The District 5150 Paul Harris Society Charter year will be launched in 2007 to recognize those who contribute at least $1,000.00 during each Rotary year (July through June) to the The Rotary Foundation’s Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, and PolioPlus Partners, or the Humanitarian Grants Program.  After being invested for three years, one-half of each original contribution will be returned to District 5150 as District Designated Funds (DDF) and one-half will be provided to The Rotary Foundation World Fund to support humanitarian programs and Group Study Exchange.

Why Would I Choose to Join the Paul Harris Society?
The Rotary Foundation is the flagship of Rotary International’s efforts to offer “Service Above Self” to the world through educational and humanitarian projects.  The contributions of individual Rotarians support world-wide programs which provide clean water, promote literacy, continue the race to eradicate polio, and fund Matching Grants, Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants, Group Study Exchange, Ambassadorial Scholarships, and Rotary World Peace Scholarships.

Our District has created a way for dedicated Rotarians to support this good work, while honoring Rotary founder Paul Harris and celebrating the Rotary Centennial.  The Paul Harris Society was established on the premise that, although it is not appropriate for all members, there are many District 5150 Rotarians who are both willing and able to provide this level of support for initiatives that will make both our local communities and the world better places in which to live.  Those donors who agree to contribute $1,000.00 each year to the Rotary Foundation will be awarded membership in the Paul Harris Society of District 5150 and will be afforded the personal satisfaction accompanying such selfless acts.

Society members will receive District-wide recognition on appropriate occasions and a distinctive blue and gold emblem or “ribbon,” which can be worn with the Paul Harris Fellow pin or the Rotary Member pin.  They will also qualify for The Rotary Foundation’s Paul Harris Fellow or Multiple Paul Harris Fellow recognition.

How to Join the Paul Harris Society - It's easy
Simply complete on-line the District 5150 PHS Membership Form. It is very important to enter your personal contact information, Club name & number your Rotary membership number on the form, as this prevents multiple records from being created for you.  Your Rotary membership number is printed on the mailing label on the front cover of your Rotarian magazine, as well as on the printed Semi-Annual Report (SAR) and Dues Billing Statement received by your Club Secretary or the Club Recognition Summary that is available to your Club Secretary online. Your Club Secretary or Foundation Chair can also assist you in filling out the form.

On the form are several options for you. You must select only one but you can also select the Help button if you need help from your Club Foundation Chair or Secretary. For the options for using your credit card or banking account to make automatic periodic paperless donations here below are documents for your review.

Credit Card Terms & Conditions
EFT Terms & Conditions
EFT Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions at this point contact

Tom Sutton,District PHS Chair

How to Maintain Your Membership in the Paul Harris Society
Donate at least $1,000.00 to the The Rotary Foundation’s Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, and PolioPlus Partners, or the Humanitarian Grants Program.during each successive Rotary year, following the procedure outlined above.  Keep the District 5150 Paul Harris Society Committee informed of the fact that you have done so.

Paul Harris Society
The Paul Harris Society (PHS) is a new level of recognition of Rotarians and friends who contribute $1,000 or more each fiscal year to The Rotary Foundation's humanitarian, educational, and cultural programs. The Foundation Trustees adopted the Paul Harris Society as an official recognition program to be administered at the district level effective in 2006-07.

In 1999, District Governor Wayne Cusick created the first Paul Harris Society in District 5340. Today 119 districts around the world have a PHS program with a total membership of more than 2500.

Our district has a tradition of generous Foundation giving to promote world peace and understanding. We are increasingly involved in and supportive of Rotary Foundation Programs. Our Paul Harris Society was established in response to the need for more contributions to Annual and Restricted Giving.

Each PHS member receives an officially-presented recognition certificate signed by the District Governor, a distinctive gold and blue PHS recognition pin to be worn with a Rotary pin or a Paul Harris pin, an invitation for two to the annual Paul Harris Society Dinner, and recognition at selected other events or activities during the year.

While this new level of recognition will not be appropriate for every Rotarian, it is available for those who chose to give at this level each year.