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All Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact Clubs are invited to participate in the 40th Annual California Coastal Clean-up Day on Saturday, September 21st from 9 AM to 12 noon. Let's roll up our sleeves and help protect our environment: one of Rotary's Seven Areas of Focus. Plus, all three counties of District 5150 have coastlines and beaches to protect.  

This project is open to all age groups and abilities, and guests and potential members are welcome, too. You and your club can start your own clean-up project or join forces with other Rotary / Rotaract / Interact clubs, community organizations, and volunteers to clean up the same area.

Select a county to view established clean-up projects for 2024:

Since the start of California Coastal Clean-up Day in 1985, 1,784,556 volunteers have removed over 26,778,113 million pounds of trash and recyclables (average 16.6 pounds of trash per volunteer) from our state’s beaches, lakes, and waterways. District 5150 Clubs have participated in the clean-up efforts in recent years, including 21 Rotary Clubs and 3 Interact Clubs in 2023! Let's increase that number in 2024! The District 5150 Community Service Committee is encouraging all Rotary members to consider supporting the State's largest annual volunteer event and help clean up trash from the environment before the rains come and wash it out to the coast and ocean.

We hope to have more clubs, even if only a few can from each club, participating this year. To be included in the list participating from our District or for questions or more information about this event, please contact Rotarian Sylvia Barry or call her at 415-717-0293.