Welcome to our new Rotary Year – and it is always exciting as we have new leadership that comes with fresh energy, new ideas, great passion and the eternal optimism that defines Rotarians. Our world can be better because we are Rotarians, and we’ll make it better. 
But we always start from a place that we arrived at because of the incredible work of those who served before us, from Past District Governors and our Past Presidents to our Past Committee Chairs – everyone who hit the ground running last year and have now passed the baton forward. Like our Immediate Past District Governor Laine Hendricks who did a tremendous job and deserves our eternal thanks. She has raised the bar again. Even better, Laine is continuing her work as once again she becomes the Public Image/Public Relations Chair. We are lucky to have her.

With this new year, the focus will be on Fellowship and Service Above Self, as we say in Rotary. Or to keep it simple, friends and projects. The desire to help our local communities is what brings so many of us to Rotary, but what keeps us are the friends that we make. Those with common interests and values, like helping others. And where best to really learn about our fellow Rotarians than when we come together on our projects? Our hands-on work is what binds us together, what sets us apart from the rest. Friends and projects. 
We are asking that your club shares your videos of your projects so we can feature them in our monthly DG messages. Brag to our world about what you and your club are doing. Share with our fellow members and especially – share with prospective members. Do any of our clubs really have enough help to accomplish all that we wish to do? Projects are the key to attracting and keeping new members, and we never have enough of either.

I look forward to serving with each and every one of my Rotary friends in our district, and I am humbled by this opportunity to add what I can in our joint efforts to Do Good in the World. Thank you for all you are doing now and for what you will continue to do in the future. Our Rotary world is bright, and you are the shining stars.
Yours in Rotary,
Steve Wright
District Governor, 2024-2025
Rotary International District 5150