District 5150 is pleased to announce the selection of Yuhui Chen from the Rotary Club of Menlo Park as our District Governor Nominee Designate.  She will serve as District Governor for the Rotary year 2026-2027. 
Since joining the Rotary Club of Menlo Park in 2011, Yuhui has served as club president in 2018-19, District 5150 Vocational Service Chair from 2022 to 2024, and has participated in other various district-level committees.  Most recently, Yuhui has helped expand local club participation in Rotary Means Business from 4 last year to more than 20 (and counting!) in the 2023-24 Rotary year.  This year, she also spearheaded a new 6-session virtual Toastmasters series for local Rotarians, which has already "sold out" twice. 
Yuhui is known for her “can do” attitude, her smart insight, her great marketing, and her dedication to practically every event her club puts on . . . all this while running her full time business, SBM Fitness.  Rotary is a big part of her life: her partner, Dan Geraldi, will serve as District 5160 (East Bay) Governor in 2025-26. 
(And, in case you're wondering... Yuhui is pronouned "You-Way"). 
Congratulations, Yuhui! We look forward to her enthusiastic and innovative leadership as she guides our District in serving our communities.