Our Rotary Family has grown! We are so pleased to share that District 5150's newest addition is the Rotary Club of Novato Evening! While the club officially chartered February 9, they held a formal charter party on April 6 at McInnis Golf Club in Marin County. Nearly 100 people -- friends, family, and Rotarians from across the District -- were in attendance to witness mass member induction and officer installation by Governor Hendricks. In addition, State Senator Damon Connolly attended and provided some welcoming remarks before Charter President, Gregory Crabtree, was handed his gavel to officially "ring the bell" on this new chapter in Novato Evening's legacy.
Congratulations to the Charter Members of Novato Evening:
Gregory Crabtree, President
Jennifer Harwood, President Elect
Beverly James, Treasurer
Vicki Pennington, Secretary
Kenneth Oser, Foundation Chair
Shelly Scott, Membership Chair
David Estes, Sargeant-at-Arms
Matthew Bennett
Patty Campbell
William Campbell
Alexandra Cheney
Donald Cowan
Giovanna Crabtree
Blanca Dobkin
Robert Elsberg
Sean Finn
Michele Forsythe
Carlos Gonzalez
Robert Griffin
Jay James
David Kesich
Maryjane Kesich
Maxim Kotchetkov
Linda Lowe
William McNicholas
James Pennington
Stephanie Sabo
April Sorensen
Keith Tassio
A special thank you to all of the District 5150 Rotary Clubs who donated funds to help start a bank account and budget for this brand new club. And a special thank you to PDG Ron Gin (SF Chinatown), DGN Mitone Griffiths (Half Moon Bay), and Gary Butler (Ignacio) for your support and guidance over the past 9 months in helping the Novato Evening members reach charter status.