Members of The Paul Harris Society have made a commitment to donate $1,000 annually to the Rotary Foundation. It is a lasting gift that creates a legacy of hope for now and the future! Members of The Paul Harris Society may proudly wear The Paul Harris Society pin. 
If you've ever considered becoming a member of the prestigious Paul Harris Society, now would be the time to do so! Three generous Rotarians have agreed to match the gifts of new Paul Harris Society members up to $500,000 (resulting in combined contributions to The Rotary Foundation of $1,000,000 which will ongoing funding for District Grants, Global Grants, and PolioPlus. 


Director Dan Himelspach and Leslie Lawson and an anonymous donor have agreed to contribute a total of $500,000 to The Rotary Foundation. Collectively, they are challenging 500 Rotary Members from Zones 26 & 27 to join the Paul Harris Society between now and December 31, 2024 which will make a combined $1,000,000 contribution to the Rotary Foundation.

Our contributions to the Paul Harris Society provide ongoing funding for District Grants, Global Grants, and PolioPlus.
Join the Paul Harris Society and create a brighter future for our Clubs and Districts throughout the Big West.


Complete this online form or contact your District Foundation Chair Gary Chow, or District Paul Harris Society Coordinator Christopher Wiseman, to sign up today. You can direct your contributions to the Annual Fund-SHARE, Annual Fund-World Fund, an Area of Focus, PolioPlus, Disaster Response Fund, Disasters of Magnitude, or an approved Global Grant. Make your one-time or recurring contributions online at Rotary Direct.

Together, we will clear these hurdles on our way to raising $1,000,000 for the Rotary Foundation! Want more
information about this special challenge? Contact our Zone 26 & 27 Regional Rotary Foundation Chairs:
Shirley Grace,, or Bev Reed,

We hope you'll consider becoming a member of The Paul Harris Society today!