Congratulations to Harry Eng of the Rotary Club of Peninsula Starlight for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for September 2022!
If there were a fifth way of the Four-Way Test, it would likely be "Does it make the world a better place?" Harry Eng of the Rotary Club of Peninsula Starlight is the very embodiment of that ideal. Harry joined Peninsula Starlight in 2020 (only a year after its chartering) and immediately set about to widen the scope and impact of the new club. Whether it was organizing a street clean-up in the Tenderloin or a beach clean-up in San Mateo, Harry led the charge. Whether distributing PPE or rallying against hate crimes against the Asian-Pacific Islander community, Harry was in the front row. Harry’s other accomplishments included planting trees, feeding the homeless, and spearheading a first-time club effort to fund Alzheimer's research.
A long-time leader within Project Pearls and their amazing work for the poorest of the poor in the Philippines, Harry is always ready to help with a project or make sure that you have fun helping with his. He is always looking for new ways to engage with members, the community, and the world at large. He is always thinking of ways to go a little further, to do a little more, to put Service just a little further above Self. As the epitome of Rotary and the difference it can make in the world, Harry Eng is our Rotarian of the Month.
Once again, congratulations to Harry Eng from the Rotary Club of Peninsula Starlight, our Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for September 2022!