Learning & Leadership Development: DISTRICT ASSEMBLY 2022
26 Mar 2022 |

Learning & Leadership Development
District Assembly 2022
Join us for our annual District Assembly
- to celebrate passing the torch to our new crop of leaders. Applaud our incoming Club presidents and our incoming District Governor Gary Chow.
- to share inspiration and best practices across the Rotary Areas of Service. Attend breakout sessions on a wide variety of Rotary-related topics, including sessions to help our incoming Club presidents, other officers, directors, and chairs prepare for the next Rotary year.
- to enjoy food and fellowship. Reunite with existing Rotarian friends, and make new ones at our "Olliecue".
The keynote speaker will be Brad Howard. Brad is a Past District Governor of District 5170 and was a member of the Board of Directors of Rotary International for 2015-2017. In 2016-2017, he served as the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Board. Brad has served on many Rotary International committees, including as Chairman of Rotary’s Communication Committee. He is currently serving as Aide to Jennifer Jones, the 2022-2023 Rotary President.
The eradication of polio has been a significant part of Brad’s Rotary experience. He served 10 years as the Zone 26 End Polio Now Coordinator and has led 34 groups of Rotarians, comprised of over 1,600 people, to participate in polio national immunization days in sub-Saharan, West Africa, and India. Click here for more information on Brad Howard.
Presented by: District Governor-Elect Gary Chow and the 2022 District Assembly Planning Team
Redwood High School
395 Doherty Drive
Larkspur, CA 94939
7:30 AM - Check-in, Continental Breakfast & Fellowship
8:15 AM - General Session Begins
12:30 PM - Fabulous "Olliecue" lunch by the Rotary Club of Foster City Cooking Team
No Charge To Attendees - Your Club Will Be Billed.
$45 per Rotarian and guest of Rotarian, which will be billed to and underwritten by your Rotary Club.
$20 per Interactor and $25 per Rotaractor, which will be billed to and underwritten by the sponsoring Rotary club.
Questions: please contact 2022 District Assembly Chair Steve Carlson at amazigh93@gmail.com or Registration Chair Jeff Lowenstein at jeff.lowenstein@gmail.com