People of Action Planning Tool

People of Action Planning Tool

Whether you're planning a fundraiser, membership social or service project the People of Action Planning Tool can help infuse the essential elements -- Membership, Foundation and Public Image -- into your event. Yes, you can plan about without giving attention to these areas, but using this worksheet is a means to get Rotarians thinking and working together.  The worksheet only takes a few minutes to complete and ensures the event responsibilities don't fall on one person's shoulders.

Sample Completed People of Action Planning Tool

The following is an example so you can see the worksheet in action.The worksheet helps us think through each element, and each color display represents a different element, whether public image (first column), membership (second column) or foundation (third column).  This sample is crafted to the club in the example.  When you fill out the form for your club, you'll select actions that are appropriate for your members, your club, and the event at hand. Click to download PDF
Sample People of Action Planning Tool

Fillable People of Action Planning Tool

Download this Microsoft Word version to begin your own planning efforts!
Sample People of Action Planning Tool