Rotary Means Business
Rotarians Doing Business With Each Other
Rotary Means Business (RMB) inspires Rotarians to support the success of fellow members by engaging in business with each other, and by referring others to them. RMB meetings come with an array of opportunities that yield benefits beyond socialization.
Rotary club members who are interested in doing business with each other are encouraged to join the RMB Fellowship to honor the roots of Rotary and support Rotarians in their business and professional endeavors. The Rotary Means Business model promotes the Rotarian vocational service concept to encourage and foster. It offers business networking opportunities with members and within RMB Fellowship chapters worldwide strengthening vocational lanes. Membership benefits allow you to advertise your business and services with fellow Rotarians and the public to connect, share, and learn.
Rotary Means Business Materials
Fostering Local and International Business Connections
District 5150 Rotary Means Business Fellowship (RMB) covers the counties of Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo.
Rotary District 5150 is the holder of the fellowship chapter of this international fellowship and maintains annual dues to the International Fellowship of Rotary Means Business.
Browse upcoming local RMB events on our events calendar. If a Rotary club in Marin, San Francisco or San Mateo counties would like to partner with District 5150 to hold a RMB event, please contact our D5150 RMB Lead:
"If any one tells you that it is reprehensible to make a dollar or two for the wife and babies from club associates in straightforward business transactions, tell that person that some foreign substance has gotten into his carburetor."
(Paul P. Harris, Founder of Rotary International, January 1911)