Thank you for your interest in helping Rotary keep youth safe!
Rotary International has established guidelines for all Rotarians relative to working with youth. This includes any Rotarian, Rotarian partner, or volunteer who may have any contact with youth in a Rotary context. The number of requirements is dependent on the level of contact a Rotarian may have with a young person in any of our Rotary programs.
For Those Rotarians Working Directly with Youth: Youth Protection Certification (YPC) is required for all Rotarians who have substantial involvement in youth programs. Substantial involvement includes regularly working with youth under the age of 18 through Interact, RYLA, Youth Exchange, or any Rotary Club sponsored activity that involves overnight accommodations. The following are the four elements of YPC:
Volunteer Application (requiring the listing of three non-Rotarian references); volunteer application will not be complete until all three references respond.
Completion of an online Youth Protection Awareness course (that normally takes no more than 30 to 40 minutes).
10 minute interview by one of the District 5150 Youth Protection Coordinators (complete in person, by telephone, or videoconference).
LiveScan fingerprinting.
For Rotarians Who Only Have Incidental Contact with Youth: Incidental contact means a casual or passing contact with youth. This might be while participating in a Rotary program or event where youth are also present but does not include one-on-one private contact or communication with the youth. The following is required or recommended:
Required: completion of the on-line Youth Protection Awareness course.
Recommended: completion of LiveScan fingerprinting is strongly urged, but is not required.
To start or continue any part of the youth protection process or need to confirm your status, contact David Dye,, District 5150 Assistant Youth Protection Officer or Matteo Rizzo,, Youth Protection Coordinator.
For information on Youth Exchange please visit
Rotarians needing information about other youth programs can contact John Dean,, District 5150 Youth Services Chair.