Happy April everyone! The work of Rotary begins in our communities as every community has its own issues and needs. Because of this, Rotary has focused our efforts in 7 key areas to maximize our impact, and these areas of focus include fighting disease, providing clean water and sanitation, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, promoting peace, and the newest area of focus, protecting the environment.
This month, we are highlighting this newest area of focus as this is also the month of Earth Day which is celebrated worldwide on April 22. To honor this new area of focus, our Rotary Clubs in our District are coming together to participate in a Rotary Day of Service event this Saturday on April 9.
In the 3 counties that we serve, we will host different activities to raise awareness of environmental challenges and provide solutions to meet those challenges:
- We have planned Hands-on Service Projects to help with clean up and restoration in some of our most cherished open spaces.
- Directly following our service project, we have created a Protecting the Environment Fair where organizations and exhibitors can showcase environmental related initiatives and products.
- And finally, our Electric Vehicle Expo where you can see more than a dozen electric vehicles and talk with owners about the advantages to switching to an EV.
We hope you'll join us this weekend as we honor this new area of focus and support our communities and our environment. This event is open to all, so bring your friends and family and share this information with your networks.
If you can’t make it this weekend, we hope you will save the date on your calendar and register for our upcoming District Conference and Awards Celebration on May 14. Register here for the District Conference.
Thank you for your continued commitment of serving our communities and have a wonderful month!
Yours in Rotary,

Danielle Lallement
District Governor 2021-2022
Rotary International District 5150