Governor's Message - September 2024
What if the teaching moment might involve the very lifeblood of our organization?
Governor's Message - September 2024September is Basic Education and Literacy Month in the Rotary World, and normally I would start right in on that topic. But – what if there is something that involves learning, something that doesn’t fit the normal concept we have in Rotary when we consider our Rotary Themes? What if the teaching moment might involve the very lifeblood of our organization? |
Rotarian of the Month - September 2024Congratulations to Dr. Peter Webb of the Rotary Club of San Mateo for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for September 2024! Dr. Peter Webb has served in various roles throughout his many years with the club, including on the Board of Directors and as Club President. Peter understands the work required not only to keep a Club functioning but also to energize its members. He seamlessly balances working behind the scenes and taking on leadership roles, supporting club logistics, projects, fellowship, and connection.
Governor's Message - August 2024August is Membership Month – and what a great event we have planned for everyone in the district. On September 7, 2024 – a MEMBERSHIP SUMMIT – and before you start yawning? What if we could show you what works? What if we could – more importantly – show you what doesn’t? That is our goal, and we’re bringing in new ideas from across the country where they have been tested and found successful. Register HERE – now – and this is open to every Rotarian who cares about his or her club. |
Connect with Clubs in Western AfricaEver wonder how your Rotary Club can connect and collaborate with fellow Rotarians in West Africa (or somewhere else in the world)? One easy way is to attend a Project Fair! A Rotary Project Fair is a special event organized by Rotary clubs or districts to showcase community service projects and foster partnerships. This fall, nine Rotary districts in West Africa (spanning 14 West African countries) will host the "West Africa Project Fair" (WAPF) to foster connections, share innovative project ideas, and secure essential support for community service initiatives. |
Rotarian of the Month - August 2024Congratulations to Jennifer Goldfinger of the Rotary Club of Ignacio for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for August 2024! In Rotary, Jennifer is known as the woman with the Midas touch when it comes to volunteerism, reminiscent of the 1964 movie "Goldfinger" that shares her name. This Fourth of July, she served for the second year as Committee Chair and Board President for the successful Novato Fourth of July Parade, which featured approximately 80 entries. Jennifer's leadership in this event follows her previous roles as Vice Chair, Committee Member, and Board Secretary since 2006. |
Rotary Foundation "Stars" Create Night to RemeberRotary International District 5150 recently hosted an unforgettable evening at "Sailing with our Stars," celebrating the spirit of generosity and commitment to service. The event, held at The Spinnaker Restaurant in Sausalito, welcomed nearly 100 attendees, including major donors, club presidents, foundation chairs, and devoted advocates of The Rotary Foundation. We were honored to have Past Rotary International President and Chair of The Rotary Foundation, Barry Rassin, as our keynote speaker. Barry’s inspiring words and heartfelt gratitude set the tone for the evening. Joining him Zones 26/27 Director-Elect, Wyn Spiller who also extended her thanks to our generous donors, as well as Tabitha Sparks, Major Gift Officer for Rotary International. |
Two Clubs Unite to be a Force for Community ServiceIn a powerful demonstration of unity and dedication to service, the San Rafael Evening and Marin Evening Rotary Clubs have merged to form the new San Rafael Marin Evening Rotary Club. With nearly 50 years of combined Rotary experience, the newly formed club is poised to continue and expand its impactful work in Marin communities and beyond. The former Marin Evening Rotary Club was originally chartered in 1985 and was the first Rotary Club in Marin to hold regular membership meetings at night. San Rafael Evening Rotary Club chartered in 2014 was known as the young professionals’ club, often attracting graduates from Dominican University of California. Over the past six months, the two clubs determined that joining forces would foster greater collaboration and a higher-level support that would benefit the local community. |
Governor's Message - July 2024Welcome to our new Rotary Year – and it is always exciting as we have new leadership that comes with fresh energy, new ideas, great passion and the eternal optimism that defines Rotarians. Our world can be better because we are Rotarians, and we’ll make it better. |
Rotarian of the Month - July 2024Congratulations to Marilyn DeCastro Becklehimer of the Rotary Club of San Francisco Sunset for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for July 2024! In Rotary, Marilyn was a driving force to charter the Rotary Club of San Francisco Sunset. The effort to launch this club took five years, and Marilyn went on to serve multiple leadership roles including two times as Club President. Marilyn creates joy and laughter anytime she is around people and excels at getting all of us to maximize our three T’s: Time, Talent, and Treasure. Her keen eye for fashion and fundraising for the community locally and internationally has materialized in her Club fashion shows which keep getting bigger and better every year. She has even inspired other Rotary clubs to participate in a fashion show. |
Recap: Better Together District ConferenceOur Annual District Conference, held from May 17 to 19, 2024, at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada, was an extraordinary event! This Multi-District Conference brought together Districts 5150, 5180, and 5190 – more than 550 people! – under the extravaganza theme "Better Together". And indeed, we were better together! A Grand Kickoff After 18 months of meticulous planning by Mary Liu (San Francisco), our district conference chair, and the dedicated co-chairs from districts 5180 and 5190—Janice Gage, Tina Spencer, and Steve Snyder—the "Better Together" multi-district conference was finally here! Excitement was palpable as we gathered to witness the fruition of their hard work. The conference kickoff on Friday, May 17, began with the prestigious Major Donor Reception, honoring those who donated $10,000 or more to The Rotary Foundation. We were graced by the presence of Rotary International President (RIP) Gordon McInally and his wife Heather, elevating the evening's grandeur.
Governor's Message - June 2024Greetings, Rotarians and Friends: Wow! June already? It’s true – time stops for no one. But, as it marches on, so does Rotary. Reflecting on the past 11 months, I am filled with pride for the tremendous effort our more than 1,600 members contributed to impact lives in communities near and far. We've seen countless service projects, millions of dollars invested in global grants, a growing interest in vocational service and personal-professional development, reinvigorated Interact clubs, and growing Rotaract membership. New records in giving to The Rotary Foundation and enhanced public image efforts are just some highlights. The impact of these achievements will be felt well into the future. |
2024 Club Excellence Awards HonoreesCongratulations to all of our honorees for the 2023-24 Club Excellence Awards program. These honors serve as a guide for Rotary Clubs to strive for excellence as they create new and better ways of providing service both locally and globally. Awards are given in 8 categories, which measure different functions of each club, from outward service to our communities, administration and management, raising Rotary's visibility, engaging with future leaders, and ensuring our members have a fulfilling experience. In addition, a "Best Club" award is available to clubs that earn points across multiple categories, demonstrating a vibrant and successful club. This year, 29 clubs earned recognition. Awards were presented at the 2024 Better Together District Conference in Reno, Nevada. |
Mental Health Matters: A Year of Focus and SuccessRotary District 5150: A Year of Mental Health Focus and Success As we conclude another Rotary year, it's time to reflect on our journey and celebrate the impactful work accomplished in Rotary District 5150. This year, inspired by the visionary leadership of Rotary International President Gordon McInally, we focused on a critical and often overlooked area: mental health. Embracing President McInally's Vision President McInally emphasized the importance of mental health, encouraging us to break down stigmas, raise awareness, and provide support to those in need. His dedication to this cause resonated deeply within our district, and we are proud to have embraced his vision wholeheartedly. By prioritizing mental health, we have taken significant steps toward creating a more understanding and supportive community. |
Rotarian of the Month - June 2024Congratulations to Johwell Saint-Cilien of the Rotary Club for Global Action for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for June 2024! Johwell is a founding member of the Rotary Club for Global Action. Raised in Paris, France, by his Haitian mother, he pursued his dream of filmmaking by moving to New York City. He arrived just days before 9/11 and was lucky to survive as he ran out of Tower One after the planes hit. Such a traumatic experience gave him a perspective on life and living that few of us have. He has gone on to connect and build community in ways beyond his imagination, including a documentary on his friend turned Congressional Representative Jamaal Bowman. In the years following, his focus on community activism included partnering with a successful creative arts youth program known as "Kids Helping Kids: A Hip Hop Experience" as well as a curriculum for NegusWorld Youth which consists of connecting students with their peers in different parts of the country or the world. In 2014, he co-founded the Negus WorldWide Party, a global event that raises funds and awareness to support groups benefiting children. With Johwell’s leadership, the Negus WorldWide Party partnered with the Rotary Club for Global Action to raise over $18,000 to support the education of girls in Liberia with the Gbowee Peace Foundation. Though we were in the middle of the COVID pandemic, his strong network and infectious enthusiasm brought a global community together, including Rotary senior leaders (then incoming RI President Jennifer Jones), rock stars (Pete Townsend of The Who), luminaries (Gloria Steinem), Nobel Laureates, actors, and activists (US Congressman Jamaal Bowman) over Zoom to make a difference. |
Mental Health Matters: Awareness MonthMay is Mental Health Awareness Month and… we asked, you answered. Here are some of the ways our local clubs are promoting Mental Health and Wellness in their clubs and communities. Some key actions include events, social media promotion, and sharing informational resources. |
Governor's Message - May 2024May brings spring flowers, some lingering showers, and a host of observances to commemorate our work in various areas. First and foremost, May is Mental Health Awareness month. We want to raise awareness about Rotary’s efforts in mental wellness, break down stigma, and support public education. Let's engage in open conversations, foster empathy, and share resources to help individuals and families on their path to mental wellness. In addition, consider attending our two District-sponsored mental health events planned for May 9 in Kentfield or May 10 in Redwood City. |
Novato Evening Charters as the Newest Club in District 5150!Our Rotary Family has grown! We are so pleased to share that District 5150's newest addition is the Rotary Club of Novato Evening! While the club officially chartered February 9, they held a formal charter party on April 6 at McInnis Golf Club in Marin County. Nearly 100 people -- friends, family, and Rotarians from across the District -- were in attendance to witness mass member induction and officer installation by Governor Hendricks. In addition, State Senator Damon Connolly attended and provided some welcoming remarks before Charter President, Gregory Crabtree, was handed his gavel to officially "ring the bell" on this new chapter in Novato Evening's legacy. |
Rotarian of the Month - May 2024Congratulations to Michael Osborne of the Rotary Club of Marin Sunrise for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for May 2024! Mike is the last remaining, founding member of his Club and has been a Rotarian since June 1, 1987. He, along with women for the very first time in Rotary International’s history, chartered the Rotary Club of Marin Sunrise in May 1987. It is an honor that Mike and the members of his Club are still very proud of today. Mike truly embodies the spirit of Rotary and its motto of Service Above Self. He has demonstrated his passion and commitment to serving others both professionally and as a Rotarian. For 59 years, he was a surgeon in the military, in the public health sector, and at Marin General Hospital. As a Rotarian, he was instrumental in bringing RotaCare, a free medical clinic, to Marin County’s underserved and uninsured residents 26 years ago. Mike served as Chairman on the Advisory Board of RotaCare San Rafael for many years and was honored by the RotaCare Bay Area Board for his years of outstanding service just this year. |
District Assembly and Project Fair a SuccessA very successful Rotary District 5150 District Assembly on March 24th when more than 400 Rotarians signed up for the Action packed Assembly, cheering for the incoming Presidents and District leaders, in one of the best attended Assemblies in recent years.
Meet your 2026-2027 District GovernorDistrict 5150 is pleased to announce the selection of Yuhui Chen from the Rotary Club of Menlo Park as our District Governor Nominee Designate. She will serve as District Governor for the Rotary year 2026-2027.
Governor's Message - April 2024Happy April, everyone: Fun fact: April 11 is National Pet Day. You may be asking yourself... who cares? Well... while animals cannot officially join Rotary (although they can join the Polio Plus Society Kennel Club), pets can teach us some important lessons about human engagement -- key factors to incorporate in our quest to CONNECT among our members, clubs and communities. My monthly video dives deeper into this concept (with some cameos from your fellow Rotarians and their favorite furry or feathered friends): |
Mental Health Matters: A Challenge to ClubsCalling all clubs: It is time to show your support in Mental Health Matters. Despite its paramount importance, mental health often remains shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. Many individuals hesitate to seek help due to fear of judgment or lack of access to resources. This is where our role as Rotarians becomes pivotal. By raising awareness, fostering understanding, and providing support, we can break down barriers and create inclusive communities where everyone feels valued and supported. This month, the Mental Health Rotarian Action Group of District 5150 is challenging each and every Rotarian and Rotary Club to make a difference by supporting mental health initiatives. We invite all Rotarians to join us in commemorating Mental Health Awareness Month this May. Share your ideas, events, and initiatives with us and we will feature them in our May newsletter entry. Together, let's make a difference in the lives of individuals and families affected by mental health challenges. |
Rotarian of the Month - April 2024Congratulations to Ken Lai of the Rotary Club of San Francisco West for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for April 2024! Ken has been an exceptional and dedicated Rotarian since 2003 and provides 21 years of experience and a strong commitment to integrity, service, leadership, and fellowship. In Rotary, Ken has held numerous leadership positions, including Club President two times, Foundation Chair, Treasurer, and Membership Chair. His dedication to his Club is unwavering, and he is always generous with his time, energy, and resources. |
Governor's Message - March 2024Happy March, everyone: Spring is almost here and we’re starting to see signs of it. Consider this: Just as blooming flowers capture our attention and signal the arrival of a new season, a positive Rotary Club public image can serve as a beacon, drawing the community’s gaze toward the impactful work Rotary club members undertake. Active participation in public image efforts is crucial for Rotary Clubs as it enhances the credibility and visibility of clubs, influences membership attraction and retention efforts, and can help garner support for The Rotary Foundation. |
Mental Health Matters: Teen Mental Health - Fostering Understanding and SupportIn recent years, the global community has witnessed a growing awareness of mental health issues affecting teenagers, prompting the creation of World Teen Mental Health Day. This annual observance, marked on March 2nd, serves as a crucial reminder of the unique challenges young people face in navigating the complexities of adolescence. It was created to shed light on the prevalence of mental health struggles among teens, aiming to reduce stigma, promote open conversations, and encourage a more supportive environment for their well-being. |
Rotarian of the Month - March 2024Congratulations to Betsy Koefoed of the Rotary Club of San Carlos for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for March 2024! Betsy is as dedicated a Rotarian as one can ever find. Following her retirement in 2009, she joined her Club in the community where she lives. Betsy was the 2013-2014 President of the Rotary Club of San Carlos and has remained very involved in various leadership positions throughout the years, serving as Club Secretary, Chair of the Endowment Committee, Youth Leadership Chair, and Club Treasurer, just to name a few. |
Help Connect Local Peace Builders with the Rotary Peace Fellows ProgramDo you know of a local “peace builder” in your community? Help us connect them with Rotary’s Peace Fellows program – which is currently seeking applicants through May 15, 2024. Rotary International's Peace Fellows program is a prestigious initiative aimed at cultivating global leaders in the field of peace and conflict resolution. Established in 2002, the program selects a diverse group of talented individuals from around the world to participate in a fully-funded master's degree or professional certificate program in peace studies at one of the Rotary Peace Centers hosted by leading universities. The fellows undergo intensive academic training, gain practical experience through fieldwork, and engage in collaborative research to develop the skills necessary for promoting peace and addressing complex global issues. Emphasizing the Rotary values of service, fellowship, and ethical leadership, the Peace Fellows program is committed to fostering a network of professionals dedicated to making a positive impact in conflict-affected areas and contributing to sustainable peace worldwide. |
Mental Health Matters: Recognizing Signs of Struggling Mental HealthCreating Hope in the World: Recognizing Signs of Struggling Mental Health When Rotary President Gordon McInally called upon us to "Create Hope in the World," Rotarians enthusiastically embarked on various initiatives to make a positive impact. Addressing mental health within the scope of Rotary's mission is crucial, as fostering a supportive and caring community involves recognizing the signs of mental health struggles. In a world where appearances can be deceiving, understanding these signs becomes paramount. By being observant and compassionate, we can extend our Rotary spirit to offer support and, in some cases, even save a life. |
Governor's Message - February 2024Hello, everyone! February is widely known for Valentine's Day, a time to celebrate those we care about. In Rotary, let's reflect on our love for Rotary and ensure our clubs stay vibrant. Show love and kindness to all club members this month and beyond. February is also a time to highlight Rotary's commitment to peace and conflict resolution. Given recent global events, our dedication to achieving peace, goodwill, and understanding is crucial. |
Rotarian of the Month - February 2024Congratulations to Erika Rosales-Shelfo of the Rotary Club of San Rafael Evening for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for February 2024! Leadership: Since joining her Club in November 2018, she has gone above and beyond as a leader.
Mental Health Matters: Stigma BustingStigma Busting One day in April, I came home from high school and my world was forever changed. “Mom, why do you have aluminum foil wrapped around your head?” My mother, who just months prior worked two jobs as a nurse’s aid, was now relegated to sitting on the couch for most of the days preventing government rays from penetrating her body. At 14, reaching out desperately to family members and church members I was only met with apathy or disdain, told “She’s just tired, overworked” and that I was overreacting. We didn’t talk about mental illness back then. The words, “mental illness” did not exist in the community vocabulary. There were other words like “crazy” or “insane.” Words that created shame, resentment, and animosity. |
Governor's Message - January 2024Happy New Year, Rotary Family! It’s a new year, and with that, the chance to chart a path toward new opportunities in life (and Rotary). January is Rotary’s Vocational Service Month. Vocational Service calls on us to empower others by using our unique skills and expertise to address community needs and help others discover new professional opportunities and interests. Embracing diverse vocational backgrounds contributes to the richness of ideas, skills, and perspectives that fuel innovation and collective success. This is a great time to leverage vocational service in your club projects and activities. |
Rotarian of the Month - January 2024Congratulations to Dora Dye of the Rotary Club of San Francisco for being selected as Rotary District 5150’s Rotarian of the Month for January 2024! Dora has been a Rotarian since December 2016. Dora has consistently demonstrated a commitment to Rotary that goes above and beyond expectations. Her efforts are most evident in the pivotal role she plays in managing day-to-day operations of the Rotary Club of San Francisco. As the club Executive Secretary, Dora has proven to be the backbone of the club, ensuring seamless functioning and efficient coordination of various activities. |
Governor's Message - December 2023Happy Holidays, everyone: As we approach the midpoint of the Rotary year, it’s a time to reflect on our achievements of the past 5 months and sharpen our focus for the months ahead. As I've traveled around our district, I've seen new connections, partnerships, projects, members, and growth as a Rotary community. I’m so proud of your collective efforts thus far. Now is the time to revisit the goals your club (or your club leadership) set at the beginning of the year. Take the time to celebrate successes, analyze progress, but also adjust – identifying obstacles and opportunities for refinement to reach unmet goals-- for the remainder of the year. Tracking this progress and having members play a collective role in this effort can help cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement and pave the way for sustained success. |
Mental Health Matters: Dealing with the Holiday BluesThe Holidays are Not Always Filled with Feelings of Ho, Ho, Ho! Many people can experience feelings of anxiety or depression during the holiday season. People who already live with a mental health condition should take extra care to tend to their overall health and wellness during this time. The “holiday blues” can stem from a variety of sources, such as current events, personal grief, loneliness, health challenges, economic concerns, separation from family members, loss of a loved one, or relationship issues like separation or divorce. |
Rotarian of the Month - December 2023Congratulations to Linda Jonas of the Rotary Club of Pacifica for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for December 2023! Linda has been a Rotarian since July 2011. Since joining her Club, she has been President twice, Treasurer, Community Service Chair, Youth Services Chair, Membership Chair, and Social Chair and has participated in all of her Club's fundraisers and projects. Linda has brought in several new members as well over the years. Linda and her husband Tom are Paul Harris Fellows and Major Donors and give generously of their time and money. Linda is also involved in other organizations and civic committees. She is on the Board of the Beautification Advisory Committee where you will most likely see her on the ground pulling weeds, spreading mulch, or planting plants and trees. At one of her Club's beautification projects across from an elementary school, Linda got the school children involved in making mosaics to add along a pathway cleaned and planted with plants by Rotarians.
Governor's Message - November 2023In my household, November is the season of giving thanks. It’s more than giving thanks around the table on Thanksgiving Day, but a reminder to give gratitude and appreciation for the people and experiences that have lead to that point in the year. Probably like each of you, I have a lot for which to be thankful. In our Rotary family, I’m thankful for each of you, the tireless effort you put into service, and your continued generous contributions to The Rotary Foundation. Each of you make the 44 clubs within District 5150 special in many ways (and, might I add, the best collection of clubs of any district in the Rotary world… but I know I’m a bit biased). |
Mental Health Matters: The Power of Gratitude PracticeThe Power of Gratitude: A Key to Greater Happiness November has arrived, and with it comes a profound opportunity for us, as Rotarians, to celebrate and champion the spirit of gratitude. In the heart of this month, we find a powerful reminder of the importance of giving thanks for the blessings we have and the good we can do. One of those often underrated factors is gratitude. Let's explore the science behind it. |
EREY and YouYou’re a member of one of the most effective service organizations in the world. Rotary International’s projects change lives and create better futures for disadvantaged people everywhere, and individual Rotarians like you make the good work possible. Here are few of them:
A Tax-Saving Way to Help The Rotary FoundationA Special Opportunity for Those 70½ Years Old and Older Make a difference today and save on taxes. It’s possible when you support The Rotary Foundation through your IRA. 2023 IRA Charitable Rollover and the Secure Act 2.0 |
Rotarian of the Month - November 2023Congratulations to Allen Ng of the Rotary Club of Marin Evening for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for November 2023! Allen Ng has been a Rotarian since 2008. During those years he has served in many positions including Past President in 2016-17, current Club Treasurer since 2017, Club Board member, Chair of the Foundation Board, and an active participant in countless fundraising projects. As Chair of the Youth Services Committee, Allen was instrumental in initiating many youth service projects on behalf of Marin Evening Rotary. Allen sponsored numerous scholarships for students. In the past 18 months, two of those students graduated from college and started their careers. Allen gathered and distributed dictionaries to Venetia Valley, San Pedro, and Verde Elementary Schools. Before, during, and after the Pandemic, Allen served as a camp counselor for the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy camp (RYLA) mentoring our leaders of the future. For 26 years, Marin Evening Rotary has been giving the Nicholas Green Award to a student at Bodega Bay School who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to service. This award was in memory of Nicholas Green, a former student of the school who was killed in a robbery attempt while traveling with his parents in Italy. His parents immediately donated his organs, opening the door to an organ donor program in Italy. |
District Leadership Visits Headquarters in EvanstonEvery few years, District 5150 sends members of the Governor Line to Rotary International Headquarters to meet with key staff and leaders to be briefed on the latest information and bring back new knowledge and resources to help our clubs. The last trip occurred in 2018, and so our team was overdue for a visit. Visiting Rotary International Headquarters is not a privilege reserved for Rotary leadership: any member --Rotarian, Rotaractor, or Interactor-- is welcome to visit and experience this side of Rotary. In fact, we (your district leadership team) encourage it! |
Mental Health Matters: Real Talk about DepressionPreventing Depression As We Age It’s not uncommon to know someone who is dealing with depression. If you’ve never experienced depression, you are rare. What medical research tells us is that depression is widespread and should not be stigmatized. New statistics note that mental health issues including depression affect at least 32.4% of the world’s population. But what is it, exactly? And how can we keep from getting depressed? Depression is a prevalent and often misunderstood mental health condition that affects millions of adults worldwide. It can be debilitating, but with the right knowledge and support, it is manageable. It is characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities, and a range of physical and emotional symptoms. |
Governor's Message - October 2023Happy October, Rotary family: It’s hard to believe that one-fourth of this Rotary year has already flown by. And yet, as I look over the last three months, I’m so heartened by how much our clubs have accomplished already. Paramount among those examples is the recent collaboration for the California Coastal Clean-Up Day. 20 Rotary Clubs and 3 Interact Clubs participated and helped remove garbage to help protect our beautiful coastlines and local neighborhoods. Thank you to all of the volunteers who participated. |
Connect and Collaborate: California Coastal Clean Up!On September 23, 21 local Rotary Clubs and 3 Interact Clubs joined forces with other local volunteers to participate in the California Coastal Clean-Up Day, a statewide clean-up effort sponsored by the California Coastal Commission. While the event was originally created in the 80s to help clean up California beaches, its expanded to help with trash removal from California’s bays and waterways, too – all which help keep garbage and pollutants out of our ocean. |
The Quest to End Polio Begins with YouRecently, I was invited to speak to a group of about 40 college Freshmen and share information on Rotary and Rotaract programs. During my talk, I asked how many of them had heard of the word “Polio.” Only seven students raised their hands. The fact that Polio is becoming less and less known among younger generations is a testament to the remarkable and monumental public health initiative that helped remove Polio from the United States and all but two countries in the world. This is thanks to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative backed by the World Health Organization, UNICEF, Rotary International and countless volunteers to help immunize children and track the virus's presence. |
Rotarian of the Month - October 2023Congratulations to Paul Chin of the Rotary Club of San Francisco Chinatown for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for October 2023! Paul grew up in Chinatown. He had the honor of becoming the first Asian Fire Marshal in the Chinatown Community. Paul has been a Rotarian since 2009. He served as Club President in 2015-2016 and again in 2020-2021. Community Service: After the September 11 attacks, Paul led a team of San Francisco volunteers to the World Trade Center to aid with recovery. Most recently, he led a team of young Asian firefighters to Maui to support the relief efforts. They cooked and served over 2,000 meals a day to survivors and the volunteers. See video clip here. |
"Every Rotarian, Every Year" Kicks Off!What is a simple way to demonstrate your commitment to Service Above Self and contribute to the broader mission of Rotary International to create lasting change both locally and globally? Give to the Rotary Foundation. And we hope that becomes an annual habit for all Rotary members. “Every Rotarian, Every Year" (EREY) is a fundraising initiative and concept within Rotary International. The EREY initiative encourages each Rotarian to donate to The Rotary Foundation on an annual basis. The funds raised through EREY are used to support the various programs and projects of Rotary International, including efforts related to education, health, clean water, disease prevention, peace, and economic development, among others.In addition to funding projects around the world, giving to The Rotary Foundation means your club earns District Designated Funds to enable your club to fund future local and global grand projects. |
Club Excellence Awards Criteria Now AvailableThe Club Excellence Awards serve as a guide for Rotary Clubs to strive for excellence as they create new and better ways of providing service both locally and globally. This year, Rotary clubs have the opportunity to submit award entries in eight categories:
Governor's Message - September 2023Happy September, Everyone. Imagine: what would your daily life be like if you couldn’t read? Whether accomplishing the tasks of daily living… like interpreting a recipe to programming your thermostat… or succeeding in your career, the ability to consume and comprehend information is critical. September is Basic Education and Literacy Month. Literacy serves as the cornerstone of education and personal development. It equips a person with the skills to comprehend, analyze and communicate, enabling them to participate fully in civic life, access opportunities, and contribute meaningfully to their communities. |
District Governor 2026-2027 Nomination Period Now Open!Each year, Rotary Clubs have the privilege and honor of suggesting candidates for District Governor from their club membership. Our district has a great history of Rotarians – supported by their clubs – who have stepped up to the role. District 5150 is seeking applications for our 2026-27 District Governor position. One of the most important decisions we make in our District is choosing our future leadership. We are seeking the most qualified person for the position of District Governor. |
Mental Health Matters: Suicide AwarenessSeptember is National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month For this month’s mental health moment, we have a special opportunity to highlight a nationally recognized period to provide suicide awareness. This is a topic is crucial to have within Rotary as nobody is immune from experiencing the effects of mental illness and/or addiction. Many of us know someone such as a friend, family member, co-worker or even a Rotarian that has attempted or died by suicide. The disease does not discriminate, and to prevent it, neither can we. This month, we encourage everyone to take a little time to educate and increase awareness of the signs of someone at risk for suicide and the resources available to help those who are struggling. |
Rotarian of the Month - September 2023Congratulations to Joe Brennan of the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for September 2023! Joe has been a Rotarian since 2000. He began his Rotary journey with the Rotary Club of San Francisco and then joined the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay in 2013. Joe has served as Club President and is the consummate Rotarian. He attends every weekly meeting and participates in almost all of our Club's community service activities. Dedication to his Community: Joe leads our Breakfast for the Needy Program for the Abundant Grace Coastside Worker Agency. Monthly, he organizes our Club members into two early morning teams to prepare a warm meal for our unhoused community members. For the past three years Joe has been part of a small team to assemble supplies for needy families served by Coastside Hope, an organization that our Club supports with District-Designated funds. Each month, Joe works with one or two other Club members to purchase and pack approximately $80 worth of household necessities for eight identified families. |
Rotary Establishes Maui Fires Relief FundEarlier this week, horrible fires fueled by a dry summer and strong winds from Hurricane Dora overtook the island paradise of Maui, Hawaii. The historic town of Lahaina has been left to rubble. The fires have already claimed the lives of more than 50 people and have become the state's deadliest natural disaster since 1960. Its also the deadliest U.S. wildfire since the 2018 Camp Fire which devastated the community of Paradise, California. Hawaiian Governor, Josh Green, estimates it will take billions of dollars to rebuild all of the communities affected and there is an urgent need to house thousands of people who have lost their homes to the blaze. Rotarians are People of Action and the Rotary members of Hawaii (District 5000) have created a fund to help with the relief and rebuilding effort. We welcome members and clubs who are interested in supporting the recovery effort to donate there. |
Governor's Message - August 2023Happy August, everyone: Since the start of the year, I have had the opportunity to visit several clubs across all three counties and I continue to be reminded of the magic of Rotary. From youth cultural exchanges and supporting local families, to funding lifesaving surgeries and installing water wells (and more!). I’ve met new members, prospective members, and our “seasoned” members: no matter the age or background, everyone is bonded by the desire to make a positive impact in our world. The stories you’ve share are heartwarming and extraordinary. Thank you for all that you continue to do locally and around the world. I look forward to more visits in the weeks ahead. |
Expand Your Experience: Join the District Team!Looking to expand your Rotary experience? Consider serving at the District level! A Rotary district helps connect clubs with each other and to resources from Rotary International. In addition, they help facilitate programs and ensure Rotarians get the most from their membership. By serving at the district level, you also can grow as a leader and sharpen your skillsets in these areas. Here are some current opportunities at the District level: |
Mental Health Matters: Wholehearted LivingAs you know Rotary International President Gordon McInally has inspired us to think about Creating Hope in the World and we can do so by ensuring we are practicing caring for ourselves and others this Rotary year. Each month, we are sharing a mental health moment to inspire you on how you can practice caring for yourself and others. This month, we are exploring the concept of Wholehearted Living. |
District Social Success: Sip & SavorMore than 50 Rotarians and guests gathered at the home of Governor Laine Hendricks and her partner, Jenny Bates, in San Rafael to kick off the "Let's Connect: District Social" Series. Those that registered represented 22 Rotary clubs across all three counties, and included some prospective Rotary members, too! The sunny afternoon was complete with all you can eat charcuterie and a chocolate fondue station, plus carefully crafted flights of wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverage tastings. Fun was had by all. This was the first in a series of socials that will take place around the district throughout the year. The next social is planned for September 8 in San Francisco: A night with the SF Giants (buy your tickets today!). |
Rotarian of the Month - August 2023Congratulations to John Marshall of the Rotary Club of Ignacio for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for August 2023! John has been a Rotarian since 1996. If you speak to almost any member of our Club about John, they will most likely say that he is the type of Rotarian that we all should aspire to be. In his almost 27 years as a Rotarian in our Club, he has been involved with every aspect. Club Leader: John has served as Club President, has been active over the years on our Foundation Board as both a member and the Chair, and has been invaluable in our Club’s involvement in Relay for Life, the major fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. For years, he offered his hotel as the meeting site for the Club and was involved in the food and beverage needs of almost every event that the Rotary Club of Ignacio has hosted. John has also donated his site and services to District 5150 Events. |
The Importance of Prioritizing Mental Health and Well-BeingAs Rotary President for 2023-24, I am placing a special focus on global mental health. Mental illness and emotional wellness can be difficult topics for anyone to discuss, and I know that there are some places in the Rotary world where those conversations are especially difficult. But we have so much to gain by helping each other address mental health and wellness more openly. As we come out of a global pandemic that forced many to experience hardship and isolation, so many of us and the people we serve are experiencing lasting challenges to our emotional well-being that we cannot handle alone. As Rotary members, we have a unique ability to reach out to people who may have no other access to this kind of care. And as an organization built on friendship and service, we can help guide our fellow Rotary members in a trusting, caring manner. All of us can serve our communities by engaging openly in discussions about mental health and wellness and establishing a solid foundation for preventative and interventional measures in your area.
Mental Health Matters: Soul ExhaustionRotary International President, Gordon McInally, has inspired us to think about Creating Hope in the World and we can do so by ensuring we are practicing caring for ourselves and others this Rotary year. Each month, we will take a moment to share a mental health moment to inspire you on how you can practice caring for yourself and others. |
Connect & Collaborate: Marin Clubs Tackle Veteran HomelessnessAs the saying goes, “two is better than one.” But in Marin County, 17 is outstanding! That’s because all 17 clubs in Marin recently joined forces with Homeward Bound of Marin to combat veteran homelessness. Our Marin Rotary Clubs have joined forces to support the “fund a room” initiative at Homeward Bound’s new 24-apartment complex in Novato. This housing facility is being built specifically for unhoused veterans. For every $25,000 donated, Homeward Bound will name one of the apartments after the donor. What started as one Rotarian’s idea to raise Rotary’s visibility in the community soon grew in popularity across clubs and their club presidents. |
Rotarian of the Month - July 2023Congratulations to Howard Weathersby of the Rotary Club of San Francisco Bayview for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for July 2023! Howard has been a Rotarian since 2010 and served in various capacities, including two terms as Club President of the San Francisco Bayview Club. It has been exciting to watch his emergence from Club member to Rotary leader. Howard is generous with his care for others and his money. In our Club, he has gone out of his way to be in touch with each member individually to get them involved. Howard has supported the fundraising events of other Rotary clubs by buying tickets and gifting them to new members of our Club for purposes of networking and relationship building. |
District Governor Message - July 2023Happy New Rotary Year, everyone! Often, people look to a new year as a new start. In Rotary, Rotaract and Interact, that may be the case: a change in leadership, new club officers, or maybe a new club program or focus. A new year is a good reason to “resolve” to improve in an area of growth, whether driven by self-reflection or a collective goal shared by many. Continuous improvement is a healthy mindset for every person and organization. While a new year often signals transition, it does not mean we have to abandon the foundation that makes our clubs who they are. In fact, we should build upon the foundation and progress made by our outgoing leaders and the leaders and members who have helped us get to where we are today. Continuity in terms of working together year after year to reach long term goals is what helps clubs be vibrant and healthy. |
2024 Rotary Foundation Fundraiser CruiseGreetings! Rotary District 5150 has sponsored three successful fundraiser river cruises for The Rotary Foundation (TRF) since 2017. We have sailed the scenic rivers through France, Germany, Austria, and Hungary. Contributions from these fundraiser cruises resulted in donations of nearly $250,000 to The Rotary Foundation, most of which was donated to eradicate Polio. We are excited to announce our 2024 TRF Fundraising Cruise to support PolioPlus! Please join us as we enjoy a fabulous 7-night cruise on AmaWaterways through Holland and Belgium. Our cruise begins and ends in the amazing city of Amsterdam. We are especially thrilled to let you know that AmaWaterways has reserved the entire ship for our Rotary Foundation Cruise! |
District Governor Message - June 2023June is designated as Rotary Fellowship Month. Fellowship is an integral part of your Rotary experience. Rotary Fellowship:
Rotary International also has a large variety of Rotary Fellowship programs, which are international, independently organized groups of Rotarians, Rotary partners, and Rotaractors who share a common recreational interest or vocation. This month recognizes the opportunity to have fun, make new friends around the world and enhance the experience of Rotary that belonging to a Rotary Fellowship enables. Rotary Fellowships began informally in 1928 when a group of Rotarians with an interest in Esperanto joined together. In 1947, Rotarians organized a group of boating enthusiasts, which became the Yachting Fellowship. This joining together to share common interests and activities gained attention and operated over the years under various names as World Fellowship Activities; International Vocational Contact Groups; Rotary Recreational and Vocational Fellowships; and finally Rotary Fellowships. Fellowship activities vary widely. Some groups come together around hobbies or special interests. Others are based on common vocations. Some Fellowships are purely social, while others use their fellowship for service projects. To learn more about the many fellowship programs available to you, go to Rotary provides us with an extraordinary opportunity to help the world one person at a time. It also provides us as Rotarians an opportunity to bond together as a fraternity who believe in “Service Above Self.” It has truly helped me personally when times were tough, and I hope it will be a support to you. We truly are, as our Past District Governor Mary Bates used as her theme, part of a “Rotary Chosen Family.” Thank you for “being the change” you wish to see in your communities (and in yourselves!). Yours in Rotary, Gary Chow Governor, 2022-2023 Rotary International District 5150 |
District Governor Message - May 2023Greetings 5150 Rotarians, May is Rotary Youth Services Month. In 1949, the Rotary International Board adopted the slogan "Every Rotarian an Example to Youth" as an expression of commitment to children and youth in each community in which Rotary clubs exist. Serving young people has long been an important part of the Rotary program. Youth service projects take many forms around the world. Besides the programs that we are all familiar with, including Interact, Rotaract, RYLA, Rotary Youth Exchange and Youth Scholarships, Rotarians also sponsor Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, athletic teams, centers for disabled children, school safety patrols, summer camps, orphanages, recreation areas, safe driving clinics, county fairs, child-care centers, and children's hospitals. Many clubs provide vocational counselling, establish youth employment programs, and promote the use of The 4-Way Test. Increasingly, drug/alcohol abuse prevention and AIDS awareness projects are being supported by Rotarians. In every instance, Rotarians have an opportunity to be role models and mentors for the young people of their community. One learns to serve by observing others. As our youth grow to become adult leaders, it is hoped each will achieve that same desire and spirit to serve future generations. It is the responsibility of each Rotarian to prepare the New Generations—all young people up to the age of 30—by improving their life skills to ensure a better future, while recognizing the diversity of their needs. All clubs are encouraged to undertake projects that support the fundamental needs of the New Generations: health, human values, education, and self-development. Fundamental to all Youth Service activities is our commitment to creating and maintaining the safest possible environment for all participants in Rotary activities. It is the duty of all Rotarians, Rotarians’ spouses, partners, and any other volunteers to safeguard to the best of their ability the welfare of, and to prevent the physical, sexual, or emotional abuse of, children and young people with whom they come into contact. Please refer to our Youth Protection Guidelines (District 5150 Guidelines for Rotarians When Working with Youth) on our District website to learn the simple steps you need to follow to protect our youth. Thank you for being the change you wish to see in our youth. After all, they are our future! Yours in Rotary, Gary Chow Governor, 2022-2023 Rotary International District 5150 |
2023-2024 District Grants WorkshopAll 2023-2024 Club Presidents and District 5150 Rotarians are invited to attend an in-person workshop about District Grants and the District Grant application process on Saturday, April 15, 2023 from 9 AM to 12 noon at Rotary Terrace in South San Francisco. The workshop will also be available via Zoom, but in-person attendance is recommended and will be more fun! The deadline to apply for a 2023-2024 District Grant is June 1, 2023. Now is the time to start thinking about how you will utilize your Club's 2023-2024 District Designated Funds (DDF). DDF is allocated to your Club as a result of your members’ charitable giving to The Rotary Foundation’s Annual Fund. Your Club has DDF — so spend, spend, spend! |
District Governor Message - April 2023Greetings 5150 Rotarians, Rotary International's monthly theme for April is Maternal and Child Health. Every day mothers risk their lives giving birth, and millions of children die each year from treatable, preventable causes. At least 6 million children under the age of 5 die each year due to malnutrition, poor health care, and inadequate sanitation—all of which can be prevented. To help reduce this rate, Rotary provides immunizations and antibiotics to babies, improves access to essential medical services, and supports trained health care providers for mothers and their children. Rotary’s projects ensure sustainability by empowering the local community to take ownership of health care training programs. Although most of our efforts are focused in developing countries, these challenges exist right here in the United States, which has the highest mortality rate of any high resource country. The U.S. is the only country—outside of Afghanistan and Sudan—where the rate is rising. Your club can address these issues by advocating for increased access to:
Rotary makes high-quality health care available to vulnerable mothers and children, so they can live longer and grow stronger. Thank you for being the change you wish to see in your communities! Yours in Rotary, Gary Chow Governor, 2022-2023 Rotary International District 5150 |
District Governor Message - March 2023Dear District 5150 Rotarians, March is Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Month. Clean water is a basic need for human beings. When people, especially children, have access to clean water, they live healthier and more productive lives. However, at least 3,000 children die each day from diseases caused by unsafe water, which is what motivates our members to build wells, install rainwater harvesting systems, and teach community members how to maintain new infrastructure. While very few people die of thirst, millions die from preventable waterborne diseases, providing the impetus for our members to also improve sanitation facilities in undeveloped countries. Members start by providing toilets and latrines that flush into a sewer or safe enclosure and then add education programs to promote handwashing and other good hygiene habits to create greater and longer-lasting change. These same hygiene principles also apply here at home, where handwashing is one of our major defenses against COVID, Influenza, RSV, the common cold, and a host of other diseases. Many food borne illnesses are caused by food handlers who have poor personal hygiene habits. These are all opportunities where your club can engage with communities and its leaders as well as collaborate with professional organizations to provide interventions to keep our residents healthy and thriving. For more information on how you can participate in this efforts, please contact our District’s Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Rotary Action Group Liaison, Richard Chinn at: Thank you for continuing to “Be The Change” you wish to see in your communities! Yours in Rotary, Gary Chow Governor, 2022-2023 Rotary International District 5150 |
Calling All Rotary Peace Center Fellow CandidatesROTARY DISTRICT 5150 (the Counties of San Francisco, Marin, & San Mateo) is tasked each year with finding qualified applicants for Rotary Peace Center Fellowships. Will you and your club join the effort to find the persons we need? Rotary Peace Fellowships are designed for non-Rotarians who already have some experience in peace building and/or conflict resolution. For example: former Peace Corps volunteers, social workers, doctors and nurses, police and military veterans, teachers, etc. Since the program began in 2002, the Rotary Peace Centers have trained more than 1,500 fellows who now work in over 115 countries. Many serve as leaders in governments, NGOs, education and research institutions, peacekeeping and law enforcement agencies, and international organizations like the United Nations and the World Bank. |
Rounding Up EmailsThe number of emails that crowd our inboxes is sometimes overwhelming. And the inevitable result is that many people ignore most of them, running the risk of missing important information. The Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere decided to do something about it by collecting all the Rotary announcements and putting them in a weekly email, giving members a chance to stay informed by reading just one message from Rotary on the same day each week. |
ShelterBox USA Awarded the 2022 Peace Prize from United Nations AssociationThe United Nations Association of Santa Barbara and Tri-Counties Chapter has awarded the 2022 Peace Prize to ShelterBox USA in acknowledgment of its humanitarian work conducted in the world’s most extreme conflict and disaster zones. The award, presented annually, honors an organization that advances the causes of peace, human rights, and humanitarian aid globally. ShelterBox accepted the honor with profound gratitude and great humility on October 24, which is United Nations Day. In an October 29 letter to ShelterBox supporters, the organization's President Kerry Murray wrote, "It is an award that speaks to our highest aspirations of a world with peace and stability." |
Wine and FellowshipDoes the thought of swirl, sniff, sip and spit excite you? If so, you’re probably a wine connoisseur and will be pleased to learn that District 5150’s Wine Appreciation Fellowship is back. Past District Governors, Jeri Fujimoto, Riki Intner and Brian McLeran are spearheading its revival and planning four gatherings over the next year for like-minded Rotarians to focus on specific wines, discuss their characteristics and quality, and learn about different varietals and wine-producing regions. |
Learn How to Combat Human TraffickingHuman trafficking is a cruel crime—one that exploits vulnerable people for profit without any concern for their humanity. It’s the second largest criminal activity in the world, with only illegal drugs exceeding it, and it’s growing. The United Nations’ International Labor Organization estimates that 27.6 million people are subject to forced labor, and 3.3 million of them are children. It might be forced work, which is essentially modern-day slavery, or sexual exploitation, and it’s everywhere: in our own communities as well as countries that are far away. The ILO reports that more than half of all cases are in wealthier countries and calls for an international effort to address and solve the problem. Rotarians can help by learning how to recognize human trafficking, finding ways to prevent it and aiding its victims. To give people a greater understanding of the issue and ways to combat it, Rotary Zones 26 and 27, which are comprised of 30 districts in the western United States and British Columbia, Canada, are hosting a joint virtual and in-person People of Action Summit on human trafficking at San Diego’s Liberty Conference Center on Sat., Oct. 1. It will give participants the opportunity to learn from experts and develop action plans and playbooks for their clubs, providing them with strategies for protecting their families and communities from this heinous crime. |
District Governor Message - September 2022Greetings District 5150 Rotarians, September is Basic Education and Literacy Month. We know that these skills are essential for reducing poverty, improving health, encouraging community and economic development, and promoting peace. Yet in many urban areas, even our own S.F. Bay Area, many underserved and at-risk children are not meeting basic education standards. In 2019, before the pandemic upended instruction, only 35% of 4th graders met the standards for reading proficiency set by the National Assessment of Educational Progress. |
Walk in Their Shoes: Polio & Abilities Awareness ExpoAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Afghanistan and Pakistan are the only two polio-endemic countries (nations that have never interrupted the transmission of wild poliovirus). So when the idea of promoting a local polio and abilities awareness program came to be, little did District 5150 organizers know that suddenly the U.S. would be thrust back into the conversation. Since 1979, no cases of wild polio have originated in this country. Then on July 21, a young adult with Polio paralysis was confirmed in Rockland County, and on August 4, Polio is found spreading in Rockland County wastewater. "Walk in Their Shoes" is the polio and disability awareness expo being held on Sunday, October 23, 2022, from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. at Lander Hall on the Touro University campus in Vallejo. Sponsored by Sanofi and PDG Russ and Kathy Ketron, the interactive experience will allow attendees to see what it is like to have accessibility challenges. The expo will also feature post-polio syndrome education as well as other helpful resources. Scheduled speakers include: Dr. Michael Greenberg, Sanofi Pasteur, Poliomyelitis and Importance of Childhood Vaccinations Dr. Carol Vandenakker Albanese, U.C. Davis, Post-Polio Syndrome Update Russ and Kathy Ketron, Polio Survivor and Rotary International District 5150 PolioPlus Chair Bob Rogers, Polio Survivor and Rotary International PolioPlus Chair Sarah Sweitzer, PhD, Provost, Touro University Medical School For more information and to register, please click here:
Join Us on California Coastal Cleanup Day, September 17All Rotary clubs in District 5150 are invited to participate in the 38th Annual California Coastal Cleanup Day, Saturday, September 17, 2022, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon as one of the District’s Community Service events. Since the start of California Coastal Cleanup Day in 1985, over 1 million Californians have removed over 20 million pounds of trash and recyclables from our state’s beaches, lakes, and waterways. Several District 5150 Rotary Clubs have participated in the cleanup efforts in past years. Our District would like to have all clubs be part of this worthwhile effort to protect our environment, especially because this project works well with all levels of abilities. |
Rotarian of the Month - September 2022Congratulations to Harry Eng of the Rotary Club of Peninsula Starlight for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for September 2022! If there were a fifth way of the Four-Way Test, it would likely be "Does it make the world a better place?" Harry Eng of the Rotary Club of Peninsula Starlight is the very embodiment of that ideal. Harry joined Peninsula Starlight in 2020 (only a year after its chartering) and immediately set about to widen the scope and impact of the new club. Whether it was organizing a street clean-up in the Tenderloin or a beach clean-up in San Mateo, Harry led the charge. Whether distributing PPE or rallying against hate crimes against the Asian-Pacific Islander community, Harry was in the front row. Harry’s other accomplishments included planting trees, feeding the homeless, and spearheading a first-time club effort to fund Alzheimer's research. |
Taking Steps to Eradicate PolioA group of Rotarians will be seeing Italy the old-fashioned way in September—on foot, on a 340-mile trek along the Via Francisco from Firenze (Florence) to Assisi to Rome, following the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi. Rotarians from the Rotary Club for Global Action and the E-Club of District 5190 in northeastern California and northern Nevada will join members of the Rotary Club of Firenze Sud and the Rotary Club of Firenze Valdisieve for the journey. When they reach Rome, other Rotarians, including Past District Governor Giovambattista Mollicone and Rotary International Director Alberto Cecchini, will greet them to celebrate their accomplishment. |
People of Action Take on the EnvironmentWhen Rotary International made the environment a seventh area of focus in June 2020, it opened the door to opportunities for Rotarians to make an impact in the world in new and meaningful ways. This September, Zones 26 and 27, which are comprised of 30 districts in the western United States and British Columbia, including District 5150, invite Rotarians to take action and learn more about specific areas of the environment in three People of Action summits. All take place on Saturday, September 10, and are virtual, while two have in-person options as well, giving Rotarians throughout the west a choice of ways to gain new knowledge that they can use to direct their efforts to improve the environment in effective ways. |
Team PIPR is Looking to GrowAre you a wiz at creating a beautiful flyer? Are you in charge of your club’s website and/or newsletter? Do you enjoy creative writing? Or would you like to advance your skills in any of the above? We are looking for a dedicated group of Rotarians who have a passion for and/or curiosity in public image/public relations. What is public image and public relations? |
District Governor Message - August 2022Greetings Rotarians, August is Rotary Membership Month. Members are the lifeblood of our organization. With your enthusiastic participation, we can provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace though our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. To this end, it is incumbent upon all of us to nurture our members, so that they feel included and engaged. |
Rotarian of the Month - August 2022Congratulations to Vicki Martinez of the Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise for being selected as Rotary District 5150's Rotarian of the Month for August 2022! Since Vicki joined Rotary in August 2018, she has participated in numerous projects and has served numerous volunteer hours. Vicki has been International Chair of (RCNS) for the past two years and has volunteered to serve for a third year in FY 22/23. RCNS President Erik Brown said, "Vicki has shown excellent leadership as the International Committee decided where and how our Club’s money and our DDF should be spent." |
Updated COVID-19 Protocols for Indoor EventsCOVID-19 is still circulating in the Bay Area. Rotary International District 5150 aims to hold indoor events in a way that’s safe for guests and event personnel in accordance with guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the State of California, and the public health departments of Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo counties. For the 2022-2023 Rotary year, District -sponsored in-person indoor events will offer a virtual (e.g. hybrid format) option when possible, and include the following protocols: |
PRLS' History and Legacy: Leadership Training for RotariansIn 2009 when Past District Governor Bill Koefoed was being queried, he immediately went to his decades-long profession as owner of the Dale Carnegie Franchise in the San Francisco Bay Area to tell them that he wanted to bring a superior quality of leadership training to the Rotarians in Rotary District 5150. When he was subsequently selected as the District Governor for 2010-2011, he asked his Rotarian wife and long-time business partner, Betsy, to take the reins on this promise and bring it to fruition into District 5150. After considerable research into Rotary-based trainings, it was determined that Potential Rotary Leaders Seminars (PRLS), as developed in Rotary District 5240, had the “bones” of the training they wanted to bring to 5150. Wanting to experience the training at its source, Betsy, Michael Ford, and Bob Pope (initially chosen faculty members) drove down to Santa Maria, CA once a month to actually take the PRLS training in District 5240. Having themselves then graduated from PRLS, Betsy, as the designated 5150 PRLS Founder and Director, set up a faculty training program and the date for the first Basic PRLS class - May 1, 2010. The class was held at the Dale Carnegie Headquarters (at the time) in San Mateo and was sold out. Thirty excited Rotarians gathered that Saturday morning to experience the training that would become the hallmark of District 5150. The faculty conducted three Basic PRLS classes in 2010 followed by the establishment of the five Master PRLS class series in 2011. |
Rotarian of the Month - July 2022Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for July 2022, Michael Petricca, from the Rotary Club of San Francisco! Since joining the Rotary in 2017, Michael has served on the club’s board and contributed hundreds of volunteer hours towards our club services and District 5150 events. “When you hear the Rotary saying, People of Action, Michael Petricca comes to mind,” said Immediate Past Club President, Mary Liu. “He is a person of action, and he gets things done!” |
District Governor Message - July 2022HAPPY NEW YEAR! Welcome to the new Rotary year, 2022-2023. We’re all looking forward to new activities to serve our communities, build new collaborations, and enjoy fun and fellowship with our club members and their families. Our Rotary International President Jennifer Jones, who just happens to be our first female President in the 117 years of our organization, chose her theme to be “Imagine Rotary.” |
Meet the 2022-2022 District GovernorWe're very excited to introduce our 2022-2023 District Governor, Gary Chow from the Rotary Club of South San Francisco. As a retired public health/patient educator with the American Cancer Society and Kaiser Permanente, Gary has had a distinguished career in public health and community service. On a local level, he has served on the Boards of The American Cancer Society, American Red Cross, US Selective Service, California Public Health Association and was appointed to be a Napa Public Access Cable TV Commissioner. On a National level, he has served on advisory committees with the American Public Health Association, Lung Cancer Alliance, National Cancer Institute and the United Ostomy Association of America. |
Meet the 2022-2023 Rotary International PresidentImagine Rotary: A Message from RI President Jennifer Jones As we look ahead to all the ways we can Imagine Rotary in the upcoming year, perhaps our most important task will be to build the most welcoming experience possible for every Rotary member. In her recent video message, RI President Jennifer Jones challenges us to engage with our members to ensure they’re getting what they want from their Rotary experience and reminds us that clubs who are welcoming and engaging will thrive. |
Rotarian of the Month - June 2022Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for June 2022, Liane Nicolas, from the Rotary Club of Peninsula Starlight! Liane is a charter member of Peninsula Starlight, from contributing to the creation of by-laws through introduction and charter parties. She has been on the Rotary rosters for two plus years, but she has been a longtime active member in the Rotary family, participating with her father, Dennis Pettinelli of the Rotary Club of Belmont & Redwood Shores, and her husband, Jonathan Nicolas at the Rotary Club of San Carlos. Over the years, she has supported innumerable fundraisers, projects, events and socials. |
District Governor Message - June 2022Happy June everyone! What a busy two months we have had in our District and our clubs! We celebrated our Clubs and their accomplishments at our annual District 5150 Conference. The first in person conference in three years, we were thrilled to celebrate all of you and your hard work in our communities. Congratulations to all of our clubs and for those who received awards for their accomplishments. We also created a video for all our clubs as a thank you to you and your commitment to our communities. This month began with the opportunity to see our global family in Houston, Texas at our Rotary International Convention. This was the first in person convention in 3 years, and our District contingent had an outstanding experience catching up with old friends and creating new ones. |
2021-22 Club Excellence Award WinnersThe Club Excellence Awards serve as a guide for Rotary Clubs to strive for excellence as they create new and better ways of providing service both locally and globally. This year, Rotary clubs submitted award entries into eight categories. These categories measured different functions of each clubs, from outward service to our communities, administration and management, raising Rotary's visibility, engaging with future leaders, and ensuring our members have a fulfilling experience. Congratulations to all of our winners! Your success is our success and we salute you for all that you accomplished this Rotary Year.
Marin Clubs Unite to Support our Environment
Meet Sarah Guidas—Rotary Global ScholarRotary Global Scholars are our hope for the future. They strive to find the best in themselves and use their skills and talents to make life better for others in a true demonstration of Service Above Self. Sarah Guidas, District 5150’s Global Scholar for the coming Rotary year, is a prime example. Her scholarship will take her to the University of Sussex in the south of England to pursue a master’s degree in development studies, and her goal is to use the knowledge she acquires to make it easier for the world’s disadvantaged children to attend school. Sarah’s track record in helping others is already impressive, but she wants to do more, and we’re excited to be able to give her the opportunity to further her education in her chosen field. |
District Governor Message - May 2022Happy May, everyone! This month, we’re highlighting youth services, specifically our Interact Clubs. Did you know there are nearly 30 Interact clubs in our district? Interact clubs bring together elementary, junior high and high school students to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. With the mentorship of Rotarians, Interact members take action to make a difference in their schools and community while having fun and making new friends. Thank you to our many clubs that sponsor Interact clubs and help grow our next generation of leaders. I’m excited to share that our Rotary Foundation Cruise aboard the AmaKristina was a tremendous success. More than $76,000 was raised to support Polio eradication through The Rotary Foundation. Thanks to the many people from multiple districts that joined us for the cruise, and to AmaWaterways for their continued support. |
Rotarian of the Month - May 2022Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for May 2022, Brian Powell, from the Rotary Club of San Rafael! Since 2012, Brian Powell has been the chair of San Rafael’s Scholarship Committee and a committee member since 2009. Last May, Brian and his committee interviewed 25 applicants and awarded eight $3,200 scholarships to San Rafael High School (SRHS) Seniors (for a total of $25,600). These scholarships are provided by the members of the Rotary Club of San Rafael (RCSR) and the Rotary Manor. A new scholarship was created last year to remember Rotarian Gary Notti, past president of Rotary Manor. |
District Governor Message - April 2022Happy April everyone! The work of Rotary begins in our communities as every community has its own issues and needs. Because of this, Rotary has focused our efforts in 7 key areas to maximize our impact, and these areas of focus include fighting disease, providing clean water and sanitation, saving mothers and children, supporting education, growing local economies, promoting peace, and the newest area of focus, protecting the environment. This month, we are highlighting this newest area of focus as this is also the month of Earth Day which is celebrated worldwide on April 22. To honor this new area of focus, our Rotary Clubs in our District are coming together to participate in a Rotary Day of Service event this Saturday on April 9. |
Rotarian of the Month - April 2022Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for April 2022, Bill Gilmore, from the Rotary Club of San Francisco West! Bill has been a proud member of SF west for 19 years. He stepped up in leadership right away and hasn’t stopped since, serving in every capacity possible. Bill faithfully attends club meetings and major events, and is often supportive of district events, too. An architect by profession, Bill brings to his Rotary club strategic thinking, creativity, problem solving and perseverance to whatever challenge the club is facing. |
Update: Rotary Disaster Response Fund for UkraineHello, everyone: As a follow up to our first email regarding the situation in Ukraine, we have received more information from Rotary International on how we can support the areas in need through our Disaster Response Grants. There are many groups who have reached out to Districts over this last week, but an option for you or your club is to support these areas of need through the Disaster Response Fund. This fund was also used during the COVID pandemic, and many clubs and communities directly benefitted from it. Please see the information below from our Rotary International Director, Vicki Puliz, and our Rotary Foundation Trustee, Larry Lunsford. |
District Governor Message - March 2022Happy March everyone! Each year we celebrate our incoming club leadership, and to kick this off, our President Elects attend the annual President Elect Training Seminars (PETS) in March. Our District Governor Elect, Gary Chow, led his team at this training event early this month, and it was the first time in 2 yrs that the event was held in person. The energy and excitement was palpable, and I am thrilled that these leaders will take our clubs and our District forward in this upcoming Rotary Year. We have an opportunity to celebrate with our incoming club leaders at our Learning and Leadership Development District Assembly on March 26. This will be our first in person District Assembly in 2 years so we hope you will join us to celebrate our incoming Presidents and participate in learning opportunities. Register for our assembly and join us in our celebration. |
Rotarian of the Month - March 2022Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for March 2022, Ollie Pattum from the Rotary Club of Foster City! Friendly and engaging with a smile a mile wide, a firm handshake, and a laugh that makes you grin, Ollie Pattum radiates the joy of Rotary! Since 1979, Ollie has been making a difference as a member of the Rotary Club of Foster City. For 42 years, he has been the “go to guy” when you need a task done or help with a project. No stranger to cooking, Ollie has taken the casual BBQ to new heights. Foster City Rotary’s motto, “The Club that Cooks!” was the result of Ollie’s many talents at the grill and in the kitchen. |
District Governor Message - February 2022Happy February everyone! This month has many celebrations and observances including black history month, Lunar New Year, American Heart Month, Valentine’s Day, and our own Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention month. In addition, we will celebrate Rotary International’s 117th anniversary on February 23. That is truly something to celebrate! With all these observances and celebrations, we decided to focus our monthly message on love… and our love for Rotary International. |
Rotarian of the Month- February 2022Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for February 2022, Sonia Seeman from the Rotary Club of Novato! Sonia Seeman thoroughly embodies what it means to be a Rotarian. For 30 years, she has participated in this organization as a positive and professional member. When the Club has questions, Sonia has answers. Her prompt responses and follow through are legendary, and her ability to adapt and move with the times is inspiring. Sonia is an extraordinarily supportive leader and team member. She shines as a mentor to new members, as an advisor to members in leadership, and as a wise Rotary elder for members who seek clarity, direction and vision. She works tirelessly without complaint and models what it means to be intentional about her service to the community. Selfless, humble, focused can do energy. |
Rotarian of the Month - January 2022Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for January 2022, Kay Auciello from the Rotary Club for Fisherman’s Wharf. Kay Auciello joined the Rotary Club of Fisherman's Wharf in 2012 and has given of her time, talent, and treasure ever since. Kay consistently volunteers for the club's quarterly service projects, which have included Saturday workdays with the Golden Gate Recreation Area, litter pickups in the Fisherman's Wharf neighborhood and downtown San Francisco as well as helping serve community Thanksgiving dinners at Tel Hi Neighborhood Center. Her great passions are delivering dictionaries annually to 3rd graders at three San Francisco elementary schools and judging applicants/awarding college scholarships sponsored by our club. She recently volunteered as a judge for Galileo High School's "Spirit Yell" competition, describing it as "incredible and so much fun!" |
District Governor Message - January 2022Happy New Year Everyone! To kick off this New Year, I had the opportunity to represent our Rotary District 5150 at the 133rd annual Rose Parade in Pasadena, California. For millions of people around the world, the Rose Parade is a tradition on New Year’s Day. And for over 40 years, Rotary International has been represented in this parade with a float that is sponsored by many Rotary districts. |
District Governor Message - December 2021Happy December Everyone! This month, as we celebrate the many holidays of the winter season, we are reminded of the gifts, the friends, and the family that we have in our lives. We are also reminded of the many reasons why we have dedicated our lives to a life of service and our clubs’ commitments to helping our communities and our world. |
Remembering RI President Cliff DochtermanIts with a heavy heart that we announce the passing of Past Rotary International President Cliff Dochterman. He had a long career in university administration, though he is best known for his Rotary work. It has been said that Cliff has spoken to more Rotary Clubs than anyone in the world. Over the past fifty years, he has served in almost every Rotary assignment, from Berkeley Rotary Club president to worldwide President of Rotary International in 1992-93. He has traveled the world on humanitarian projects and has been honored by the heads of state in many nations. |
Rotarian of the Month - December 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for December 2021, Agnes Siteyia from the Rotary Club for Global Action. Agnes is a member of the Maasai tribe in the Mara region of Kenya and is a charter member of the Rotary Club for Global Action (RCGA). Due to COVID-19, many Rotary clubs had to forego their international projects over the last two years. An educator by profession, Agnes alerted RCGA to the obstacles to getting children back into school both in her native Kenya, as well as throughout the world and it was her efforts that really shaped RCGA’s international service work to provide immediate assistance to schools and school children. |
District Governor Monthly Message - November 2021Happy November, everyone! This month we celebrate our Rotary Foundation. As Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors, we have the opportunity to change the world. Not only as we support our communities through service projects and initiatives, but also through our dedication to The Rotary Foundation. For over 100 years, our Foundation has provided funding for life changing projects and taken the Rotary mission of service to lofty heights. Our projects and grants have set us apart from other organizations through our model of sustainability and plans for future generations. It is because of your dedication, that the good work of our Foundation will continue to support our world many years after we have gone. Every gift you make assures the ability of Rotary International and our Foundation to elevate humankind and make profound differences in the lives of others. |
Rotarian of the Month - November 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for November 2021, Bruce Goines from the Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise! Bruce joined Rotary in March 2017. In the short time Bruce has been involved in Rotary, he has participated in numerous projects and has provided hundreds of volunteer hours. For the last two years, Bruce has served as the Novato Sunrise’s Community Service Chair and has been responsible for coordinating and participating in a significant number of projects. Some of those projects include: |
District Governor Monthly Message - October 2021Happy October, everyone! I hope you are all safe and healthy as we move into holiday season! Eeek! This month, our Rotary District highlights our dedication to End Polio. Currently, there are only 2 cases of Wild Polio Virus for this calendar year, and we are on a path to making history. Our Rotary members in our District have been supporting the eradication of this horrible disease through many fundraising and volunteer efforts. We sat down with Past District Governor, Russ Ketron, who is a strong supporter and champion of eradicating this disease and is also a polio survivor. As our world has been hit with another pandemic, we wanted to hear his thoughts on why Rotary needs to continue our fight on ending Polio. Check out our monthly video message for his interview. |
Rotarian of the Month - October 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for October 2021, Bob Hermann from the Rotary Club of San Francisco! Since joining the San Francisco club less than 4 years ago, he has contributed hundreds of volunteer hours towards service projects. Bob is the first to raise his hand when a call for volunteers is needed whether it be with a community service project, international project, club services project, or as the welcome registration person at his club's live in-person meetings.
COVID-19 Protocols for In-Person Indoor District EventsRotary International District 5150 looks forward to welcoming everyone back to in-person events, and doing so in a way that’s safe for guests and event personnel in accordance with guidelines provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the State of California, and the public health departments of Marin, San Francisco and San Mateo counties. For the 2021-2022 Rotary year, District -sponsored in-person indoor events will offer a virtual option (e.g. hybrid format) and include the following protocols: |
What is "Every Rotarian, Every Year?"It’s that time of year again, when you’re asked to do your part as a Rotarian and give to Every Rotarian Every Year, The Rotary Foundation’s annual campaign. And when you make that commitment, you win in more ways than one. First, you get the great feeling that comes with knowing you’re helping to make life better for people all around the world. Then you have an opportunity to gain recognition for yourself, your club and your district, and, as a bonus, a chance to win prizes.
Rotary Club Highlight: Half Moon BayWhen you are blessed to live and work in a beautiful beachside community such as Half Moon Bay, keeping our coastal system becomes a personal passion. Participating in the California Coastal Cleanup has become an annual tradition for the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay. And that tradition continues in September as several members of the Half Moon Bay club and other Rotary Clubs assembled to keep local beaches in tip-top shape. |
Rotary Club Highlight: NovatoThis month, The Rotary Club of Novato celebrated a beautiful milestone: an official ribbon cutting for the newly minted Bill & Adele Jonas Center. After more than two years of design and construction work, a new 15,600-square-foot conference center is complete at College of Marin’s Indian Valley Campus in Novato. The $14.5 million project, is the result of a partnership between the college and the Rotary Club of Novato. The club contributed about $5 million toward the cost of the center to fulfill a 13-year-old bequest from the Jonas family. In exchange, the club will have a reserved space for its weekly Friday lunch meetings and several days of reserved event space annually. David Wain Coon, the college president, said the complex is “a much-needed space for gathering and educating the community.” [Continue reading in the Marin Independent Journal] |
Rotary Club Highlight: Woodside Portola ValleyAn annual tradition, The Rotary Club of Woodside Portola Valley hosted "A Taste of Woodside," an outdoor epicurean adventure with great food, great wine, auction, and music! Most importantly, all proceeds support school, community, and international projects. To tell us more is Governor Danielle and Woodside Portola Valley's Club President! |
Rotarian of the Month - September 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for September 2021, Sandie Pugh from the Rotary Club of Woodside Portola Valley! Sandie has been a Rotarian since 1999 and has left an indelible mark on both her club and her community. In that time has contributed in many ways including serving as club president 3.5 times, and several years as community service chair and club service chair. She serves on both the club board of directors and the board for the club’s foundation. In addition to officer positions, Sandie is a natural leader in other club efforts. She organizes Woodside Portola Valley’s dictionary project to support local schools. She also heads up the club’s grant and funding for local projects. And for leadership in giving, Sandie is a member of the Paul Harris Society and a Major Donor to TRF. |
District Governor Monthly Message - September 2021Happy September, everyone! I hope you are all safe and healthy as we move into the fall. Since the end of June, I have had the pleasure and honor to visit with a number of our Rotary clubs, and I am inspired with every single visit. It gives me such pride and happiness to learn of the many projects and support that our clubs are providing to our communities. With the many natural disasters that have occurred recently, the efforts and dedication that our Rotarians provide in our communities is truly amazing. Not only have our clubs helped in their local community, but many have collaborated with other clubs to provide support on a larger scale to communities worldwide. |
Relief Funds for Northern California FiresTwo major wildfires are burning in Rotary International District 5190, destroying hundreds of structures and displacing entire communities. Rotary International is at the front- lines, preparing to provide support displaced families once the flames are extinguished. Here are two ways you can support the effort. |
Rotarian of the Month - August 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for August 2021, Craig Tackabery from the Rotary Club of Terra Linda! As Rotarians, we’re used to being around people with a “can-do” attitude. But sometimes you need a Rotary Club member who can also instill a sense of calm and confidence when things get tough: that’s Craig Tackabery. Craig joined the Rotary Club of Terra Linda in 2001 and has always been one to rise to the occasion in the spirit of Rotary. He’s past president (2016-17) and currently is the club’s speaker chair. He regularly fills other roles as needed. |
District Governor Monthly Message - August 2021Happy August Everyone! I hope you are all safe and healthy and enjoying the summertime. This month we highlight our membership in Rotary International, and our focus is on the engagement of our members and future members. We also want to check in with all of you to make sure you are doing okay. The last year has been tough, and we know how difficult this has been for our members and our clubs. But we are all here to support you and your club and help with your membership needs.
Rotary Club Highlight: Massive Collaboration!Today's "Rotary Club Highlight" features the amazing collaboration of SIX Rotary Clubs: San Francisco Castro, San Francisco Chinatown, San Francisco Greater Mission, Pacifica, Peninsula Starlight, and South San Francisco!These clubs joined forces to package 10,000 meals for Rise Against Hunger. |
Rotary Club Highlight: SF Evening |
Rotary Club Highlight: Foster CityCheck out our new series, Rotary Club Highlights! We are planning to highlight to good work of Rotary Clubs all over Rotary District 5150. We're staring by profiling the Rotary Club of Foster City and its Pancake Breakfast, raising funds for some outstanding causes. |
Meet the 2021-2022 Rotary International President2021-2022 Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta is urging members to become more involved in service projects, saying that caring for and serving others is the best way to live because it changes not only other people’s lives, but also our own. Mehta, a member of the Rotary Club of Calcutta-Mahanagar, West Bengal, India, revealed the 2021-22 presidential theme, Serve to Change Lives, to incoming district governors on 1 February during the Rotary International Assembly. The assembly, a yearly training event for district governors-elect, was originally set to take place in Orlando, Florida, USA, but was held virtually because of the COVID-19 pandemic. |
District Governor Message - July 2021Welcome to the New Rotary Year! This year, I am excited to serve as your District Governor for Rotary International District 5150. I look forward to supporting you, your club, and our communities. Our new Rotary International theme for the 2021-2022 Rotary Year is ‘Serve to Change Lives’, and we have a new Area of Focus this year of ‘Protecting the Environment’. We will highlight both new initiatives this year in our communications and on our website. As we begin to rebuild our connections with each other, I hope that you will join us at one of our district wide events or educational sessions. We are offering a variety of educational sessions that will be held both on zoom and zoom/in person hybrid platforms. For our district events, we will focus on many areas of support of Rotary including our newest area of focus in Protecting the Environment, Polio Eradication, The Rotary Foundation, and of course, our clubs. Our Awards Dinner/Show in May will be the culmination of all the great work that you do every day in your communities. |
Rotarian of the Month - July 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for July 2021, Gayle Chan, from the Rotary Club of San Francisco Chinatown. Gayle’s passion for service knows no bounds, and the impact of her efforts can be felt around the world. From giving polio drops and installing water filtration systems in other countries, to tutoring children and supporting a variety of organizations here in the Bay Area, Gayle is "all in" for serving humanity. |
District Governor Mary Bates Monthly Message - June 2021 |
Rotarian of the Month - June 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month - June 2021, Gigi Carter from the Rotary Club of Foster City. Who do you call when you want to put together a fundraiser, a gala social event or a backyard BBQ? Why … Gigi, of course! Not only does she light up a room with her smile, but she also surveys the scene, rolls up her sleeves and engages others to get things done. A member of The Rotary Club of Foster City since January 17, 2007, Gigi Carter epitomizes the motto “Service Above Self” and does so with flair. Hosting a gala for 500 guests or delivering a wheelchair to a disabled child in a backstreet in Mexico, Gigi approaches each with a sense of purpose and grace. Recently retired from her role as Development Director for the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Activities League, Gigi spends her days helping others… and here are a few of those ways: Gigi has taken apart local playground structures for relocation to the Yurok Indian Reservation near Klamath, California. Then, along with a group of other Rotarians and Interactors from our local San Mateo High School, she traveled to Klamath to install the playground and distribute school supplies and sports equipment to the Yurok children. Gigi made a longer journey to Mazatlan, Mexico, to do the same plus deliver wheelchairs. In Foster City, Gigi has co-chaired the Children’s Holiday Party, assisting as Santa’s helper, co-chaired the year-end President’s Debunking, and worked at Concerts in the Park, Rib Fest, Spaghetti Feed and Bingo Night, and the July 4th Pancake Breakfast… to name a few! Gigi has served as Community Service Director for our Club. From 2017-2020, Gigi has co-chaired our very successful Inaugural Golf Tournament in 2018 and the 2 nd Annual event in 2019, raising thousands of dollars for our community service projects. When COVID-19 struck, the golf tournament was a casualty. Gigi jumped in and cobbled together a Benefit Drawing to replace the golf tournament. She Co-chaired the Benefit Drawing fundraiser. It was an innovative way to raise funds during the COVID-19 shut down of our other fundraising events. Gigi is a multiple Paul Harris Fellow (PHF+2). She has two married sons and just became a Grandmother to her third grandchild. For all she does and the lives she touches, let us honor our newest Rotarian of the Month, Gigi Carter. Once again, congratulations to Gigi Carter from the Rotary Club of Foster City as our "Rotarian of the Month" in June 2021! |
District Governor Mary Bates Monthly Message - May 2021 |
Rotarian of the Month - May 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month - May 2021, Larry Curtis from the Rotary Club of Ignacio.
Larry Curtis from the Rotary Club of Ignacio is that quiet Rotarian who just DOES. He leads his Community Service Committee by example, getting things done competently while also encouraging collaboration amongst committee members. As a result of his leadership, he and his committee have accomplished an incredible number of meaningful hands-on projects, in spite of COVID-19, including: * Repainting Novato’s 30’ community entrance sign and replacing and rehanging medallions from Rotary and other local community organizations * Coordinating the Deck replacement at North Marin Community Services, including fundraising to ensure its completion. * Weekly food deliveries and Thanksgiving meals to food insecure residents of Hamilton Park Meadows. * Delivering Sack Lunches for food insecure at St. Vincent’s. * Involved with the giving of Ignacio’s DDF of $5409 for Covid-19 Relief for Food to North Marin Community Services * Making sure single moms at Gilead House (a home for single moms and their children) had gift cards to buy holiday gifts for their themselves and their children * Delivering Dictionaries to 3rd graders at Loma Verde, Hamilton Primary, and Hamilton Charter School * Collaborating with the Parks and Rec Department in Novato with their replacement of playground equipment especially designed for special needs children at Pioneer Park. Ignacio’s members feel fortunate that Larry moved to Marin from Colorado in 1973 after being transferred to run the San Francisco office where he sold group life and group disability insurance. Initially living in Lucas Valley, he and his wife, Ramona, were drawn to Novato in 1978 because of its good schools for their growing family. In fact, they still live in the very same house they bought back in 1978. It was a friend with whom Larry played tennis after his retirement named Bob Stockwell who suggested that Larry should join a service organization. But not just any service organization. Bob told Larry, “The only way to go is with Rotary!” He also told Larry that the only Rotary club to join was Ignacio. So, in 1998, that’s exactly what Larry did. Throughout his membership, Larry has chaired several committees, led interactors on Ignacio’s annual home building trip to Mexico, and served as the President of Ignacio’s Club Foundation and as its club President in 2006-2007. Today he not only chairs Ignacio’s Community Service committee but also participates on 3 other committees When asked what he most enjoys about being a Rotarian, it always comes back to fellowship. While the projects we do are meaningful and essential, it is because we work together that resonates most with Larry. Once again, congratulations to Larry Curtis from the Rotary Club of Ignacio as our "Rotarian of the Month" in May 2021! |
Rotarian of the Month - April 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month - April 2021, Herb Dang from the Rotary Club of San Francisco Bayview. Herb’s rotary story - before Herb was a Rotarian he was asked by a friend at the Bayview police station to help out on a project. This project turned out to be one of the early Bayview rotary thanksgiving turkey giveaways. Herb was asked to help picking up and delivering turkeys for Thanksgiving. Herb, while passing out the turkeys met an old classmate of his from elementary school. The class mate grew up in the projects had moved out, married, and had two beautiful kids. Herb’s friend had ended up back in the projects thru a series of unfortunate events. Herb was able to help someone he knew, who needed help, through Herb’s first rotary project, before he was a member. As a result, Herb joined rotary. Since then, Herb has served as Secretary, President, and participated in mask / food / clothing giveaways, Ben Robinson Scholarship awards, tree plantings, clean ups (both as a rotary member and a SF city employee). In this last year, Herb passed out masks to the day laborers in Bayview from our club. Herb has been a go to member of the Rotary Club of San Francisco Bayview to get things done. Herb is a tenacious Rotarian. He never gives up, and never stops trying. Herb was born at Franklin Hospital in SF (where Davies hospital is now). He grew up in the southeast of the city and went to Catholic school in the Excelsior, Corpus Christi elementary school. Herb attended High School at Lick Wilmerding and was a street artist on Telegraph Avenue for 9 years. He then attended and graduated from UC Berkeley. Herb has two children, Frank and Amelia. Herb was a 40 year employee of the City of San Francisco WasteWater Enterprise, which was based in Bayview, and is now retired. He has been a member of the arts community in Bayview/HuntersPoint for 20 years working out of “Public Glass” a glass studio in Bayview. Many of the Rotarians who visited our club during one of Herb’s terms as president received a cup Herb made. Herb participated in “Art in Storefronts” in the Bayview Neighborhood. Herb participated with Public Glass in the pre-covid times with the “Fire Pit Project” that brought Arts in to the Neighborhood at “All Good Pizza” once a month with glass blowing demos. Herb worked with Art 94124 and the youth in the Bayview to to produce a mural “Welcome to Bayview”. Again a hearty congratulations Herb on an honor that does not come easily. Keep up the good work, The Rotary Club of San Francisco Bayview is very proud of your great accomplishment! Once again, congratulations to Herb Dang from the Rotary Club of San Francisco Bayview as our "Rotarian of the Month" in April 2021! |
District Governor Mary Bates Monthly Message - April 2021As Spring 2021 is upon us, May you celebrate this month by becoming an active part of an Earth Day Project, developing a project to serve maternal and child health, and by registering to attend our Virtual District Conference “Rotary Chosen Family REUNION” in May 15, 2021! Thank you for all that you do in the name of Rotary and our world-wide community. ROTARY Chosen Family, Mary Marie Bates District 5150 Governor 2020-2021 Rotary Club of Foster City Rotary International |
Rotarian of the Month - March 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month - March 2021, Victor Wong from the Rotary Club of Millbrae. Victor Wong has been a Rotarian since September 2019. One of our newer Rotarians, as District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for March 2021. Victor, along with his wife Kathleen – a “Family Member Rotarian” under our Club rules, has fully embraced the Rotary spirit of community service and giving of himself, especially with his generous response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Victor and Kathleen are the owners of Bay Watch Restaurant in Burlingame. The following is a summary of their impactful community service activities since joining our Club last September:
Once again, congratulations to Victor Wong from the Rotary Club of Millbrae as our "Rotarian of the Month" in March 2021! |
District Governor Mary Bates Monthly Message - March 2021 |
Rotarian of the Month - February 2021Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month - February 2021, Charley Vogt from the Rotary Club of Ignacio. While so many wonderful Rotarians deserve high praise during a challenging year, Charley Vogt from the Rotary Club of Ignacio stands out due to who he is as a person, his leadership, and his participation in his club’s initiatives and activities. Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month - February 2021, Charley Vogt from the Rotary Club of Ignacio. While so many wonderful Rotarians deserve high praise during a challenging year, Charley Vogt from the Rotary Club of Ignacio stands out due to who he is as a person, his leadership, and his participation in his club’s initiatives and activities. Ignacio’s Rotarians feel lucky that Charley selected their club when he transferred to the bay area to be closer to his son, daughter-in-law and grandson from Shawnee, Kansas in July 2018. Why? Because, it’s not just what Charley does but about his character and how delightful he is. He takes on club initiatives with focus and determination while treating others with courtesy and respect. He is the first to give other members praise for his team’s success. And he makes it fun. As a result, we overlook the fact that we had to redo his name tag because his name is spelled funny. We overlook the fact that he dons Kansas City Royals’ and Kansas City Chiefs’ colors on game days. And we take it when he reminds us that the Chiefs won the Superbowl in 2020. As painful as that may be to us 49er fans, Charley is worth it. He has been a Rotarian for nearly 25 years. He helped charter the Shawnee club in 1997 and served as its president in 2009-10. He also helped to start 3 new Rotary clubs. At Ignacio, Charley chairs two committees and is a member of 3 others. Charley serves as Membership Chair and as Public Image Chair. He is a member of the Youth Committee, the Scholarship Committee, and the Community Services Committee. Charley and his committee increased membership by 7 since the beginning of this Rotary year because of his tremendous communication and follow-up skills. He makes sure prospective members know about upcoming speakers. He also holds in-person membership meetings while ensuring social distancing guidelines are enforced. (They quickly showed their faces for the photo only.) As Public Image Chair, Charley sends press releases out to make sure our club’s efforts are promoted while also being a part of that activity as committee member, such as:
Charley reflects the best of us while modestly referring to himself as a Rotarian who loves what he does to help others and not letting Covid-19 get in his way. We are lucky that Charley is now a Rotarian in District 5150. Once again, congratulations to Charley Vogt from the Rotary Club of Ignacio as our "Rotarian of the Month" in February 2021! |
District Governor Mary Bates Monthly Message - February 2021Greetings District 5150 Rotarians! Welcome to the month of February, the month in which we traditionally recognize those special people in our lives (February 14), and our United States Presidents, past, present, and future (this year on February 15). Presidents’ Day was officially established in the late 1870’s (Unofficially for most of the 1800’s honoring George Washington). This day became popularly known as it moved to a federal holiday in 1971, the first to celebrate individual Americans. In 1983, Martin Luther King, JR. Day was signed into law, was the second. This year, let’s celebrate our current Rotary Club Presidents on this day too! We are blessed by their leadership and resilience as they guide us through these most challenging times. This month is also Rotary International Peace and Conflict Resolution Month. May we continue to strive for PEACE in all that we do, as we serve our community here and abroad. With gratitude, Mary Marie Bates Rotary Club of Foster City District 5150 Governor Rotary International |
District Governor Mary Bates Monthly Message – January 2021Happy New Year! As we closed the door on 2020 and welcome in 2021, our District 5150 Rotarians, friends and family kicked off this new year with a world-wide club-driven service project to Cleanup Our World! This service project was quite unique due to the selfless efforts of our District global club membership. Please enjoy this short video in celebration of them. May this year bring you all more hope with the new vaccine inoculations, and revitalize us as we continue to shift our service for the betterment of our community, here and throughout our world! With gratitude, Mary Marie Bates Rotary Club of Foster City District 5150 Governor Rotary International |
District Governor Mary Bates Monthly Message – December 2020 |
Rotary Road Rally Prizes & Recognition!
2020-2021 Club Excellence AwardsWelcome Rotary Club Presidents! The tradition of our Rotary District 5150 Club Excellence Awards continues to be a guide for our Rotary Clubs to strive for excellence as they create new and better ways of providing service locally and globally. It is my hope that you lead your clubs to attain relevant and achievable goals that you will celebrate with your club members at the close of our 2020-2021 Rotary year! |
District Governor Mary Bates Monthly Message – September 2020 |
Rotarian of the Month - September 2020Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month - September 2020, Adane Elilo from the Rotary Club of Woodside / Portola Valley. Adane Elilo has been a Rotary Club member since 2016. Over the last 4 years, he has helped bring electricity to his remote village in Ethiopia. He launched a Rotary Club (Jore durame) in his native village in 2018. He enlisted the help of private donors, Rotary Club of Woodside / Portola Valley and an NGO to build classrooms and latrines. |
District Governor Mary Bates Monthly Message – August 2020 |
Rotarian of the Month – August 2020
Rotarian of the Month – July 2020Congratulations to Rotary District 5150 Rotarian of the Month, Tim Hornbecker from the Rotary Club of San Francisco |
Welcome to the 2020-2021 Rotary New Year!Join us as we honor & acknowledge our Rotary District Club Presidents, and Assistant Governors! |
Rotarian of the Month – June 2020Congratulations to our District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for June 2020 – Robert Gottschalk from the Rotary Club of Millbrae.
DisCon18 - Governor's Bell AwardsThis was a very hard decision to make as our district has so many great Rotary clubs with amazing accomplishments. How do you pick your favorite child? But these three clubs have many attributes in common …. Consistency, working with local organizations and government leaders, engaging member activities, supporting local and international projects, Rotary district leaders, a club President that has rallied its members around the District Club Awards, supporting district events … and supporting The Rotary Foundation … “Doing Good in the World”. What is different among the three clubs is the “feeling” of the club meetings, not bad, just different, and good. Traditional Rotary Club? Possibly … but open to new ideas. They also have similar challenges: Membership Here is a brief description of some of the highlights of each club. This is not to be considered a complete list of the extent of what these Rotary Clubs do but to add color on my decision: |
DisCon18 - District 5150 Rotarian of the YearDistrict Rotarian of the Year Steve Wright, RC of Pacifica There are scores of Rotarians which serve on district committees, working quietly for years behind the scenes, and are our unsung heroes. This recipient is not like that! It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I have awarded Steve Wright, Rotary Club of Pacifica, our District Rotarian of the Year. Steve has been our District Conference Chair (along with Colleen) for the last 3 years. District Conference planning begins over a year before the actual event and requires hundreds of hours of contract and detail work, from assembling a team of volunteers, coordination, multiple on-site visits, lots of meetings, and then the surprises and problems on the of the day of the conference. Steve is also on our Grants Committee and part of the District Visioning team. He has been Assistant Governor, has been on many other district committees, and recently help write the RC of Pacifica Carmelita Global Grant water project. |
Rotarian of the Month – April 2020Congratulations to our Rotarian of the Month for April 2020 – Cathy Weitenbeck from the Rotary Club of San Francisco Evening!
Rotarian of the Month – March 2020Congratulations to our Rotarian of the Month for March 2020 – Dick Bennett from the Rotary Club of San Mateo! Dick Bennett is the quintessential embodiment of “Service Above Self.” When the San Mateo Rotary Club sponsors a service project or hosts an event, Dick is always there, rolling up his sleeves and good-humoredly encouraging his fellow Rotarians to join in the work, the fun, and the fellowship. |
Rotarian of the Month – February 2020Brigette Waterbury is the epitome of a Rotarian’s Rotarian. She has helped Harbor Rotary develop into the wonderful, welcoming, active, and productive club that it is today. As a founding member, she helped bring this new club into existence. Ever since that day, her gentle guidance and strong leadership has helped the club to thrive and weather more than a few stormy squalls. |
Governor Sue’s Monthly Message – February 2020 |
Governor Sue’s Monthly Message – January 2020 |
Rotarian of the Month – January 2020Congratulations to our Rotarian of the Month for January 2020 – Roger Kaufman from the Rotary Club of San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf. Roger Kaufman has been in retail business in the San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf area since 1974. Starting his business in a trailer selling SF souvenirs, he moved into newly built store seven years later and added a Snack bar. |
Governor Sue’s Monthly Message – December 2019Ahoy Rotarians! December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month. Polio eradication remains Rotary’s number one health initiative, but Rotarians also unite to stop the spread of life-threatening malaria, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and diabetes, focus on health education, and bring people routine hearing, vision, and dental care. Rotarians also take action to set up clinics, blood donation centers, and training facilities in underserved communities struggling with outbreaks and health care access; and Rotarians build infrastructure allowing doctors, patients, and governments to work together. |
Rotarian of the Month – December 2019Congratulations to our Rotarian of the Month for December 2019 – Mary Rogren from the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay Mary joined the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay in 2015 after making a personal career change that allowed her to work locally in Half Moon Bay, California and to become more active in her community. |
Governor Sue’s Monthly Message – November 2019Sue Rokaw Rotary Club of SF Fisherman’s Wharf District Governor 2019-2020 Rotary District 5150 |
Rotarian of the Month – November 2019Congratulations to Rotarian of the Month for November 2019 – Trevor Henley from the San Rafael Evening Rotary Club. Those that have had the pleasure to meet Trevor know that he is a genuine, thoughtful, caring, down to earth individual, and an exemplary Rotarian in all ways. |
Rotarian of the Month – October 2019Nine La Dow s a person of action from the Rotary Club of SOMA. Her accomplishments and accolades over the years as a Rotarian has been unprecedented. |
Governor Sue’s Monthly Message – October 2019Sue Rokaw Rotary Club of SF Fisherman’s Wharf District Governor 2019-2020 Rotary District 5150 |
Rotarian of the Month – September 2019Barbara Schmidt is from the Rotary Club of Woodside/Portola Valley. She has been a Rotarian since the club’s formation which dates back to the first year that women were allowed in Rotary. Prior to that she participated as both a “Rotary Anne” and an “Inner Wheel” member (in the days before women were allowed to be Rotary members). Inner Wheel was formed by the “Rotary Annes” (women whose husbands were active Rotarians). Because “Rotary Annes” wanted their own club, they formed their own 501(c)(3) and called it “Inner Wheel” based on the Rotary wheel symbol. |
Rotarian of the Month – August 2019Jeanne Friedel is from the Rotary Club of Terra Linda. She has been a Rotarian for 8 years. She absolutely represents the model of an engaged member. She is the first to volunteer and support Rotarians, projects, and the community. Jeanne seems to have boundless energy and somehow makes her productive time efficient and abundant. She is volunteer extraordinaire to help with projects, fundraisers, multi-club projects, district projects, learning & leadership trainer & organizer. |
Governor Sue’s Monthly Message – August 2019Happy Summer to D5150! August is here and we are now well into our 2019-2020 Rotary voyage! August is Membership and Club Development Month! It is fitting we start the Rotary year focusing on membership which is the lifeblood of Rotary! Membership impacts the amount of good we can do in the world, whether by volunteering our time or sharing our treasure! |
Rotarian of the Month – July 2019Congratulations to Ron Walton from the Rotary Club of SF Bayview as our ROTARIAN of the MONTH” for July 2019! Ron has been a tireless member of the Rotary Club of San Francisco Bayview since 2003, serving as club president twice and as Recology’s representative to the community. Ron has been a chief at countless community and Rotary events in San Francisco such as Bayview Bayou or community Health fairs. Ron has worked tirelessly to support his family, his church, his community and the world through Rotary. Ron has been a Paul Harris Fellow since 2004. |
Governor Sue’s Monthly Message – July 2019Ahoy District 5150! The new Rotary year 2019-2020 has arrived! Your club presidents stand ready, as your Rotary club captains, to take the helm to start this year’s Rotary voyage! I am so honored and excited to step into the District Governor role this year! I, along with the entire District Leadership Team, are ready to support all our District 5150 clubs! |
Thank you from Governor Jayne HulbertWatch Video The 2018-2019 Rotary year has come to a close. What a year it has been! Thank you for your service to communities both locally and globally. Our club presidents were truly inspirational in their efforts to lead our clubs and achieve new heights in the areas of service, foundation giving and membership. Our Assistant Governors and District Leadership Team were also instrumental in guiding clubs in route to reach those goals. |
Rotarian of the Month – June 2019June 2019 Rotarian of the Month: Michelle Tsui represents what “Service Above Self” really means. Her lifelong commitment to make our Menlo Park community and Rotary District 5150 a better place to live and work is unmatched. |
Greetings, Rotarian! Please Enjoy My Video Message For The Month of MayThis month we celebrate Rotary Youth Services. Rotary believes in developing the next generation of leaders. Our programs help younger leaders build leadership skills, expand education, and learn the value of service. Whether you support Rotaract clubs, Interact clubs, Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA), Rotary Youth Exchange or New Generations Service Exchange, you are providing opportunities for the growth and development of our future leaders. |
Rotarian of the Month – May 2019May 2019 Rotarian of the Month: Keith Axtell joined the Rotary Club of Marin Evening in 1995, along with his wife PDG Holly Axtell. Keith is Past President of the Rotary Club of Marin Evening. He is a Major Donor to The Rotary Foundation and a member of the Bequest Society, White Hat Society and the Paul Harris Society. |
Rotarian of the Month – April 2019April 2019 Rotarian of the Month: Gityjoon Hebel has been a member of the San Francisco Greater Mission Rotary Club for nearly 25 years having joined at the invitation of her husband, Mike. By profession Gityjoon is involved in all aspects of property management. She was previously the owner of a highly successful store on San Francisco’s Union Street bearing her name – Gityjoons, which carried arts and antiques from 50 countries with a focus on objects relating to the world’s enduring spiritual traditions. |
Please enjoy my message for April.This month, we focus on Maternal and Children’s Health. Rotary makes high-quality health care available to vulnerable mothers and children so they can live longer and grow stronger. The Rotary Foundation reaches mothers and children in need by giving communities the help and training they need to take control of their own maternal and infant health care. In addition, April is Rotarian Magazine month. This month’s issue includes a special feature about District 5150’s own Heidi Kuhn. |
Rotarian of the Month – March 2019Jeff and his wife, Phyllis, have been residents of Foster City since 1974. Jeff’s volunteer activities over almost four decades are numerous and varied. He has been involved in Foster City sports as a baseball, soccer and basketball coach since his children, Chris and Robin, were very young. His interests encompass Rotary, The Foster City Village, tending to the Foster City roses, coordinating the Second Harvest Food Bank twice monthly distributions, driving for seniors and providing handy-man services to senior citizens. |
Greetings Rotarians and Happy March!In March, we focus on clean water and sanitation. When people have access to clean water and sanitation, waterborne diseases decrease, children stay healthier and attend school more regularly, and mothers can spend less time carrying water and more time helping their families. |
Greetings Rotarians and Happy February!Greetings Rotarians! Please enjoy my monthly message for February, including a recap of a recent Polio Immunization trip in India. Many of our members from District 5150 participated in this journey and were greatly impacted by this experience. |
Rotarian of the Month – February 2019February 2019 Rotarian of the Month: Steve Bogel has been a passionate Rotarian since 1976. For many years, when he was a few years younger, Steve spent days doing the heavy lifting to prepare for the Sausalito Art Festival parking doing such things as arranging the heavy signs. Several times he has worked hard with others moving thousands of pounds of signs along with other Club supplies and equipment from one storage place to another as needed. He also helps remove and store the heavy signs, providing his truck and box trailer for transporting them. |
Rotarian of the Month – January 2019January 2019 Rotarian of the Month: Patrice Perillo has been a life-long helper in both her personal and professional life. Her volunteer work started in high school when she tutored underprivileged children. Over the years she’s been a Girl Scout leader, volunteer on several non-profit boards and a founding member of the first women’s chamber of commerce in the Philadelphia area. Patrice joined the Rotary Club of San Francisco West in May 2014 and served as club president in 2017-18. Before her term as club president Patrice assumed the responsibility of counselor for a Rotary Exchange Student from Brazil and was a committee member for Rotary Means Business and Rotary Connect. Last year, under Patrice’s leadership and effective teamwork, San Francisco West initiated its first international project to solve the arsenic poisoning crisis in Bangladesh. With great enthusiasm and dedication, Patrice and her speaking committee have been making the rounds speaking to clubs in District 5150 to gain funding and support for this life-changing endeavor. |
Greetings Rotarians and Happy New Year!Greetings Rotarians! Please enjoy my monthly message for January. January is Rotary’s Vocational Service Month. Vocational Service calls on us to empower others by using our unique skills and expertise to address community needs and help others discover new professional opportunities and interests. This is a great time to leverage vocational service in your club projects and activities. |
Greetings Rotarians! Please enjoy my monthly message for DecemberFor further information on RYLA campers and counselors, please visit Mary Rogren, our Youth Exchange chair, can answer all your questions about the Youth Exchange program. She can be reached at or 650-400-1632. |
Rotarian of the Month – December 2018December 2018 Rotarian of the Month: Elizabeth Evans joined the Rotary Club of Redwood City in July of 2018. She has lived in Redwood City for three years and decided she wanted to give back to her community. Elizabeth is the Chief of Operations at the San Mateo Superior Court. She has a B.A. in English Literature and a Master’s in Public Administration. Even before joining the club, she participated during breakout sessions with the Community Services committee, providing input and showing strong support for a few projects. |
Greetings Rotarian and Happy November, from Governor Jayne!Rotary International’s focus this month is The Rotary Foundation. Our Every Rotarian Every Year fundraising campaign is almost over, and our winners will be announced in a few days. At the end of September, our District ranked 39th in the world for overall giving $203,991. Our District ranked 9th in the world for per capita giving to the Annual Fund. Thank you, fellow Rotarians, for your wonderful and ongoing generosity in supporting our Rotary Foundation’s great work! |
Rotarian of the Month – November 2018December 2018 Rotarian of the Month: Michelle Clein discovered Rotary International in 2002 when invited to a meeting of the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor by her friend and fellow Realtor, Marti Guerra. Afterwards, Pablo Castro asked Michelle what she thought about the meeting and the guest speaker. She said how impressed she was that Rotarians work to do good in the community, the nation and the world. She then said “too bad you don’t have a Rotary Club in West Marin.” Pablo and others asked if Michelle would be willing to help bring Rotary west of Fairfax; she was certainly willing to try! Michelle’s determination and desire to be of service lead to the creation of Rotary Club of West Marin in 2005. |
Greetings Rotarians and Happy October!, from Governor Jayne! |
Rotarian of the Month – October 2018October 2018 Rotarian of the Month: Rich has been a member of the Rotary Club of SF Chinatown since September 2013. From the very beginning, Rich has jumped into service and became the Community Service Co-Chair for 2014-2016, President Elect 2016-2017, and President 2017-2018. He has been one of the most involved members of their club from the start. All SF Chinatown members love and respect him. He goes completely out of his way to help any of their members in need. An example of this was with one of their members Eileen. She was hospitalized and had a long recovery. She had fallen at home. Rich visited her in the hospital and made several “ house calls” when she returned home. He bought and set up an emergency alert system for her to wear for her safety. He went to the medical supply center to purchase a raised toilet seat and rolling walker for her. This is just one of many examples of how Rich cares for our membership like a Big Family! |
Greetings Rotarian and Happy September, from Governor Jayne!Greetings and Happy September. Please enjoy my monthly message for September. Rotary International’s focus this month is Basic Education and Literacy and I’m so proud of the many clubs in our District who support learning initiatives both locally and globally. Speaking of ongoing education, don’t miss our Learning and Leadership Development Seminar taking place this month:
Register for this and future seminars at Finally, congratulations to our District Rotarian of the Month for August, Tim Gibboney with the Rotary Club of Menlo Park. Thank you for all that you do for your community and around the world through your Rotary Service. Jayne Hulbert |
Rotarian of the Month – September 2018September 2018 Rotarian of the Month: Jackie Bonner, the 2017-18 Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise SOAR (Spirit of A Rotarian) Award winner, is a former District Assistant Governor, a Charter member and Past President of the club. |
Rotarian of the Month – August 2018August 2018 Rotarian of the Month: Tom Gibboney represents what “Service Above Self” really means. His lifelong commitment to make our Menlo Park community and Rotary District 5150 a better place to live and work is unmatched. While recognizing his responsibility locally, he also understands the importance in reaching out business to help others get a better understanding of what Rotary is about. |
Greetings Rotarian and Happy August, from Governor Jayne! |
Happy New Rotary Year, from Governor Jayne!Happy New Rotary Year. Each month a short video will be made available to you with updated news and information about upcoming events. Here is the message for July:
Rotarian of the Month – July 2018July 2018 Rotarian of the Month: Suzanne is Past President, current Secretary and International Service Chair of the Rotary Club of Fisherman’s Wharf. She has been a Rotarian since May, 2009 and exemplifies the Rotary spirit of service. |
Rotarian of the Month – June 2018June 2018 Rotarian of the Month: Josie McHale has been a member of the San Bruno Rotary Club for over five years. In her second year, she was asked to chair the clubs Interact program at Capuchino High school. At the time she took over, the Interact Club had a membership of 3. |
DisCon18 - H2OpendoorsH2Opendoors offered 3 special Brigade trips to Haiti or Puerto Rico to the three Rotary Clubs which had the most FULL DAY registrations of club members (not guests) over 20% of membership (on July 1, 2017). The Brigade Trip is w special work trip leaving on Thursday and returning on Sunday. The winner will help install the Sunspring H2Opendoors water purification system. |
Rotarian of the Month - May 2018Rotarian of the Month – May 2018May 2018 Rotarian of the Month: Michael Keran’s commitment to helping the homeless is exemplary. The longtime member of the Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul of Marin County, and he also spearheads the club’s participation in helping to prepare and serve lunch to the homeless and needy at the organization’s Free Dining Room in San Rafael once a month. In May 2018, the Rotary Club of Tiburon-Belvedere begins its twelfth year volunteering, and it’s been under Mike’s unwavering leadership the entire time. With grace and without pressure, he rounds up a crew every month without fail, and everyone who lends a hand enjoys doing it. Mike is a true example of Service Above Self! |
In the Castro, first gay Rotarian Club in the nation“On March 25, the Rotary Club of San Francisco, Castro, celebrated its new official status as the first LGBTQ+ Rotary Club in the world. The new club joins eight other San Francisco Rotary groups. Its initial support will go to three Castro-based nonprofits: Larkin Street Youth Services; Lyric, for young LGBTQQ (if you’re wondering about the double Q, it’s queer and questioning) Asian and Pacific Islanders; and Openhouse, which helps LGBT seniors.” Congrats to our newest addition to our Rotary International family – Castro Rotary! |
H2OpenDoors ProjectThe Rotary project, H2OpenDoors, has completed it’s 2nd of seven planned installations of water bottling plants in Puerto Rico. Up to 1000 five gallon bottles can be filled with purified water and sold each and every day by communities hardest hit by the hurricane. The potential income for their social services is in excess of $150,000 from the net profit. These SunSpring-based systems rely on membrane technology to remove bacteria and viruses from their source water.
Rotarian of the Month - April 2018Lynn Luckow: April 2018 Rotarian of the Month Lynn Luckow is a senior advisor, consultant, speaker, coach, and four-time CEO. Most recently he founded and led LikeMinded, Inc., a crowdfunding platform designed to assist nonprofit and civic enterprises expand engagement, funding, and impact in their local communities. Prior to LikeMinded, he served as President & CEO of Craigslist Foundation, Northern California Grantmakers, and Jossey-Bass Publishers. Over three decades he has acquired expertise in organization leadership, strategy, change, governance, philanthropy, and youth and adult development. Lynn has served on or consulted to over 50 nonprofit boards, including chairing the national boards of Chanticleer, the Kinsey Institute, Project Open Hand, and National 4-H Council, for which the National Assembly of Health and Human Service Organizations honored him as the nation’s top nonprofit board chair in 2000. Currently he serves on the boards of LikeMinded, Inc., Rotary Club of San Francisco, and Delta Upsilon International Fraternity, and on the advisory boards of, QuarterZero, Project Open Hand, Smuin Contemporary Ballet, and World Arts West. |
Rotarian of the Month – March 2018Carrie Chin – Rotary Club of Millbrae – March 2018 Since joining the Rotary Club of Millbrae in 2008, Carrie Chin has truly embrace the motto of “Service Above Self”. She brought a refreshing and charming way of looking at and handling Rotary business. She was our Foundation Chair for seven years and encouraged all of our members not only to give annually but to consider being a part of the Paul Harris Society, Benefactors or Bequest Society. Several achieved the highest per capita in the district several times. Since handing over the responsibilities to other members for raising money for the Foundation, she has continued to work with, encourage and support the Foundation Chairs. Earlier in this Rotary year, she collaborated with a member in our club to have a Polio Plus event. It was very well received and we hope to continue to hold this event in future Rotary years. |
Rotarian of the Month – February 2018Bob Roberts – Rotary Club of Mill Valley – February 2018 One of Bob Roberts’ motivations for joining the Rotary Club of Mill Valley was the opportunity to return to his Peace Corps roots. He was in the first group of volunteers to Peru. Working first through the Peace Corps Partnership Program, the club has been able to support 9 small community development projects in the Peruvian Andes. This led to a collaboration with the Rotary Club of Los Altos. Working with two Peruvian NGOs, the clubs have each sponsored a global grant to assist Quechua-speaking families in the Altiplano of Puno with the development of greenhouses. Living at 13,000 feet, these families are among the poorest and most challenged in Peru. The greenhouses are allowing them to transition from subsistence agriculture to a market economy, improving their diets and providing cash income from the surplus. Bob finds dancing at fiestas to inaugurate greenhouses is a dizzying and delightful sideline. |
Marin IJ – Human trafficking the focus of Rotary Club of Terra Linda presentationMarin IJ The Rotary Club of Terra Linda shone a spotlight on the topic of human trafficking on Saturday. In partnership with Rotary District 5150, representing Marin County, San Francisco and San Mateo County, hosted a presentation on the hidden problem of human trafficking to a crowd of more than 60 people at the Marin County Office of Education. “It’s about awareness,” said Laurel Botsford, the Rotary Club of Terra Linda member who organized the event. “We have to get the word out — get it out of the shadows — expose it to the light. That’s why trafficking has been able to flourish for so long. Nobody wanted to talk about it. It was too horrible to face.” |
Rotarian of the Month – January 2018The San Francisco Rotary Clubs Select Rose Chew of the Rotary Club of San Francisco Chinatown as District 5150’s January Rotarian of the Month! Rose, a Charter member, has worked diligently as our Club Treasurer since it’s inception in 2008. Year after year she has been an incredible steward of our funds and has been fastidious in her duties. Her unwavering work laid the foundation for much of the success of our club today as she is the groundskeeper and den mother when it comes to our club finances. |
Rotarian of the Month – December 2017The San Mateo Rotary Clubs Select Barb Mackraz of the Rotary Club of Woodside/Portola Valley as District 5150’s December Rotarian of the Month! Barb Mackraz exemplifies an outstanding Rotarian. Barb joined the Woodside/Portola Valley two years ago after being a guest speaker at the club where she shared her goal of bringing libraries to Morocco. She had recently visited the country and became aware of the fact that there were no libraries. She had established one library when she came to our club. Today there are more than thirty. These libraries are especially impactful for the girls in the country who, without access to books, have a difficult time moving out of poverty. Barb is a true visionary. She sees important needs, forms alliances, and finds solutions quickly. We are proud to have her in our club. To learn more about Barb and her projects visit: |
MY NEW ROTARY BLING!!See what I did with my Rotary charms from our District Foundation event. I put them on a bracelet!
Mary Marie Bates, of the Rotary Club of Foster City – District Governor 2020 -2021December 3, 2017
The Marin Rotary Clubs Select Dr. Anne DeLaney of the Rotary Club of Terra Linda as District 5150’s November Rotarian of the Month!Dr. Anne DeLaney is the epitome of Rotary International’s motto “Service Above Self”. She trained as a plastic surgeon with Rotaplast co-founder, Dr. Angelo Capozzi and did her first Rotaplast mission to Barquisimeto, Venezuela in 2003. Since then, she has been a volunteer surgeon on 16 Rotaplast missions, often as Medical Team Leader. She has changed the lives of hundreds of families by performing surgeries for cleft lift, palate and burn scar deformities in Latin America, Asia & Africa. |
The San Francisco Rotary Clubs Select Mike York of the Rotary Club of San Francisco West as District 5150’s Rotarian of the Month!Mike York is a founding member of The Rotary Club San Francisco West but his service spans many years! He has served his as club president and currently as Community Chair, a position that he has held for several years, working tirelessly to create service projects that make a difference in the lives of children and families in San Francisco. Mike is extremely generous with his time, talents, and financial contributions to Rotary. He and his wife, Karen, host the club’s famous summer barbecue which brings together club members and their families for great food, great company, and lots of fun. Mike’s clearly embodies the Rotary theme that Rotarians are “People of Action”. The San Francisco Rotary Club Presidents are therefore very pleased to celebrate Mike as District 5150’s Rotarian of the Month for the month of October. |
ROTARY 5130 FIRE RELIEF FUND EXPANDS TO SUPPORT VICTIMS OF THE NAPA, LAKE, SONOMA AND MENDOCINO COUNTY FIRESNorth Bay, CA October 12, 2017 The Lake Area Rotary Club Fire Relief Fund (LARCA) announced today that it has expanded its fire relief efforts to now include the Napa, Sonoma, Lake and Mendocino County Fire victims. The fund, established by the Lake County Rotary clubs in 2015 after a series of fires ravaged through the community including the devastating Valley Fire, raised nearly $1 Million. These funds have been successfully deployed to the businesses and residents that suffered so much loss as a result of the devastation that occurred in Lake County over the last couple years. The funds raised have covered a multitude of areas of need in the County from work with kids, to seniors, to housing, to shelter support, to grief counseling services and much more. “The goal of our committee from day 1 has been to find the holes in the system and get the help to where it is needed most and do it with zero overhead costs” said Ron Roberts, President of the Lake Area Rotary Club Association. Their flagship program, the Business Recovery Grant Program, provided over $250,000 in assistance to small businesses affected by the fires. “Small business is the heart of a community and our Rotary committee quickly realized there was a need to help them get their doors back open as quickly as possible and keep them open. We began deploying funds to this program almost immediately and this was a cornerstone in rebuilding our communities.” stated Dirk Slooten, Chair of the LARCA Fire Relief Fund. He goes on to state “with the onslaught of these new and incredibly devastating fires in our neighboring counties, it’s now time to take that knowledge and experience we gained here in Lake County and now expand it to help others.” |
Rotarian of the Month – September 2017SAN MATEO CLUBS SELECT BRUCE WRIGHT – A MEMBER OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AS DISTRICT 5150’S ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH FOR SEPTEMBER 2017! A member of the Rotary Club of South San Francisco (SSF) for 23 years, Bruce Wright has been active in virtually all Club activities. A past Club President and long-time serving Club Treasurer, Bruce currently serves on the Club’s Board as well as the SSF Rotary Plaza Foundation. |
Rotarian of the Month - August 2017THE MARIN COUNTY ROTARY PRESIDENTS ARE EXCITED TO NOMINATE DISTRICT 5150’S ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH FOR AUGUST 2017 FOR HER EXCEPTIONAL SERVICE TO THE IDEALS OF ROTARY … MARILYN NEMZER! A Rotarian for 25 years, Marilyn Nemzer joined the Rotary Club of Tiburon Belvedere in 1992, and then moved to the Rotary Club Tiburon Sunset in 2015 where she was the 2016-2017 club president. |
Rotarian of the Month - July 2017THE SAN FRANCISCO ROTARY CLUBS SELECT A LONG-TIME AND DEDICATED MEMBER OF SF GREATER MISSION ROTARY CLUB AS DISTRICT 5150’s JULY 2017 ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH … SOLON CASTILLO! Solon Castillo is a two-decade member of the SF Greater Mission Rotary Club! As club president, Solon achieved the club’s goal to have a vigorous and focused international committee developing and supporting long-term projects in Nicaragua and El Salvador. A native of Nicaragua, Solon’s strong desire was to help his country’s struggling populace especially those needing medical care and basic education. |
Celebrating Women in RotaryMore than 120 Rotarians, friends and family attend the District 5150 “Celebrating Women in Rotary” event held at the US Army Corps of Engineers Bay Model Visitors Center on July 30. It was a great evening as we showcased our District’s first women admitted to Rotary Clubs after the US Supreme Court decision in 1987 and the first women club presidents. Many supportive men attended and some were great bartenders. Featured at this fun and festive event were many hats, heels, and boas! For information on the first women in our Clubs, please use this link. To view photos of this event please go to https://genedphotography. |
Rotarian of the Month – June 2017
THE SAN MATEO COUNTY ROTARY CLUBS SELECT AS DISTRICT 5150’s JUNE ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH DIANNE BOBKO OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF HALF MOON BAY FOR HER UNWAVERING ENGAGEMENT AND DEDICATION! When Dianne Bobko joined the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay in March 2009, she took to heart what it means to be engaged with one’s Rotary club and Rotary throughout the world! Dianne’s own words say it best as to why she joined Rotary:
Rotarian of the Month – May 2017MARIN COUNTY PRESIDENTS SELECT AS DISTRICT 5150’s MAY ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH AN OUTSTANDING ROTARIAN WHO EXEMPLIFIES THE ROTARY MOTTO – DAVID HELLMAN FROM THE ROTARY CLUB OF MISSION SAN RAFAEL! David Hellman was one of the Charter Members of Mission San Rafael Rotary in 1982. He has had perfect attendance for 35 years. David served as one of the club’s first Presidents in 1985 – 86 and has been part of the District 5150 support team for many years, currently serving as District 5150 Grants Committee Chair. In addition, David continues to support his club in many ways including attending many Club Board meetings and Club Foundation Board meetings where his advice is so vital. David’s guidance and support has provided and continues to provide a solid foundation and direction to the success of Mission San Rafael Rotary Club and to District 5150. |
DISTRICT 5150 PROVIDES A PROCLAMATION TO CELEBRATE ROTARY FOUNDATION’s 100th ANNIVERSARY!Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of The Rotary Foundation which continues to do remarkable work around the world! Your club can do this by having your city/county council or board of supervisors issue a proclamation about this impressive milestone. To make it easy for you to get this done, below is a link to download a proclamation (or resolution) with suggested language. The Rotary Foundation belongs to all Rotarians who year after year contribute to make the Foundation able to do its great work throughout the world. Get the proclamation recognizing this 100th anniversary and then please publicize this through social media , community newspapers ……! Additional information about The Rotary Foundation Centennial can be found on RI’s website: |
Rotarian of the Month – April 2017
The San Francisco Rotary Clubs select Bruce Lyon from the Rotary Club of San Francisco – Greater Mission as the District 5150 Rotarian of the Month of April Bruce Lyon, a long time Rotarian, has served his club and District 5150 well! He served as club president twice and also as an Assistant Governor. Bruce inspires others in the club by his “ready-to-do” attitude and has been very supportive of new members as they learn the ways of Rotary. With his ready-smile and positive attitude, Bruce understands what it means to be a Rotarian and is an example of how ones lives the “Four-Way”Test”. For these reason, the San Francisco Presidents are most pleased to select Bruce as the April Rotarian of the Month! |
Rotarian of the Month – March 2017
THE ROTARY CLUBS OF SAN MATEO COUNTY ARE PLEASED TO SELECT DISTRICT 5150’s ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH FOR MARCH 2017 Greg Kuhl has been a Rotarian since 1978, serving as the President of the Rotary Club of Foster City/Mariner’s Island in 1981-1982. Greg “bleeds” Rotary blue and gold with 100% attendance for 39 years and is Foster City Rotary Club’s poster boy for Service Above Self. |
Rotarian of the Month – February 2017MEMBER OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF NOVATO SUNRISE EARNS WELL-DESERVED RECOGNITION AS DISTRICT 5150’s ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH FOR FEBRUARY! Marin Presidents select February’s District 5150 Rotarian of the Month – Jan Hutchinson of the Rotary Club of Novato Sunrise! A member since 2000, Jan was selected for her optimism, idealism, and commitment to working with others in planning and completing projects. As a Literacy Director, and Professional Consultant in the Novato Unified School District, Jan has led her club in the National Education Association “Read Across America” program, in which Rotarians read to classes of elementary students. Her club has supported the Summer Reading Program to help students maintain their literacy skills through the summer. An educator, administrator, and a world traveler, she has served as the club’s newsletter publisher, led the Youth and World Service Community committees, and served on the club’s Board. Her dad was a Rotarian, and Jan is thrilled to be a member of Rotary. She holds dear the words of R.I. Pres. John Germ: “When we choose to do good, good will follow; and that when we choose Service Above Self as our life’s path, the direction it will take us will be a good one.” |
Rotarian of the Month – January 2017THE SAN FRANCISCO ROTARY CLUB PRESIDENTS SELECT SF WEST ROTARY CLUB MEMBER, ROBERT JOCSON, AS DISTRICT 5150’S JANUARY ROTARIAN OF THE MONTH!! Robert Jocson is a Past President of San Francisco West Rotary Club and recently took on the key communications role for the club. Robert has already reinvigorated the club’s social media presence, building up its Facebook, by not only posting photos of club activities but by also actively sharing Rotary news updates – both nationally and globally – to help keep Rotarians informed of the larger Rotary International effort. Robert’s posts are being noticed and shared by other clubs in the District and his efforts District Governor Jeri Fujimoto recently commended Robert’s social media activities as an example of “best practices” for other clubs to model. Beyond club communications, Robert’s positive, can-do attitude is an asset to the club, both in ensuring that things get done and in welcoming visitors and new members to the club. All the SF Presidents join in recognizing and thanking Robert for exemplifying the Rotary “can-do” spirit! |
Rotaplast international is recognized for its 25 years of changing lives . . . . A mission supported by Rotarians in district 5150 and beyond!
District 5150 Rotarians – Dr. Angeloa Capozzii (Rotary Club of Tiburon), Peter Lagarias (Rotary Club of San Francisco), and Dr. Anne Delaney (Rotary Club of Terra Linda) – were recognized in an article about their extraordinary work as part of Rotaplast International, Inc. The Marin Independent Journal on the first page of its Saturday, January 14, 2017 edition describes how Rotaplast, long supported by Rotarians throughout District 5150, has carried out its ongoing mission by performing nearly 19,000 reconstructive surgeries in 26 countries around the world. These surgeries have helped children and families worldwide by eliminating the burden of cleft lip and/or palate, burn scarring, and other deformities. Working with local professionals, Rotarians, and other organizations, Rotaplast sends multidisciplinary medical teams to provide free reconstructive surgery, ancillary treatment, and training for the comprehensive care of these children. Rotaplast supports education and research towards prevention of cleft lip and/or palate and aims is to help local professionals build sustainable models to care of these children, improve their lives and those of their families. No wonder that so many Rotary clubs support Rotaplast! |
THE ROTARY CLUB OF CHINATOWN PRESIDENT’S SERVICE DOG GAINS “RI” RECOGNITION!THE ROTARY CLUB OF CHINATOWN PRESIDENT’S SERVICE DOG GAINS “RI” RECOGNITION! The Rotary Club of Chinatown President Vanita Louie’s service dog, Moo Moo, gained recognition in the January 2017 The Rotarian Magazine (page 34) where Vanita shares Moo Moo’s Rotarian spirit. Vanita describes how Moo Moo as a therapy dog visits patients at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital and the UCSF Medical Center each month as well as autistic children in public schools twice a month. If Moo Moo only knew how she exemplifies “service above self” as she brings smiles and comfort to those whom she visits! |
Rotarian of the Month – DecemberThe Rotary Clubs of San Mateo County select the District 5150 Rotarian of the Month – Yuhui Chen of the Rotary Club of Menlo Park! Yuhui Chen of the Rotary Club of Menlo Park is selected as the District 5150 Rotarian of the Month for her “can do” attitude, her smart insight, her great marketing, and her dedication to practically every event her club puts on . . . all this while running her full time business, SBM Fitness. Yuhui not only chaired a District 5150 Rotary Means Business event but she helped to manage her club’s Rotary Connect event. She also serves on her club’s committee for the Scholastic Awards Ceremony as well as the club’s Tour de Menlo committee, and has been part of the team’s practice rides. Yuhui also revised her club’s website,, incorporating the club’s weekly “Beam” about club meetings and events. Current Menlo Park Club President Maya Sewald was “spot-on” when she wrote: “What I love particularly was Yuhui’s desire to meet with me as a new President and say ‘Maya what can I do to help you?’ Typical Yuhui!” No wonder the Presidents of San Mateo County selected Yuhui Chen as District 5150’s Rotarian of the Month! That is the Rotarian spirit! Service above self!
An Extraordinary Experience in Nigeria for District 5150 Rotarians – Watch the Video of This Amazing Journey!Rotarians within District 5150 joined other American Rotarians to travel to Port Harcourt, Nigeria for the annual West Africa Projects Fair and Polio Immunization Program 2016 in the most populated country in Africa. They joined local Nigerian Rotary Clubs in a 5K “End Polio Walk”, administered polio vaccinations in a local clinic, and taught proper hand washing and hygiene. See the linked video to fully appreciate this life-changing experience that celebrates “Service Above Self” and the beauty of Nigeria seen in the faces of the Nigerian people and their markets, dances, and sports events all witnessed by these Rotarians! |
Camp RYLA 5150 is April 21-23, 2017DISTRICT 5150 RYLA – what you can do to encourage high school sophomores and juniors to apply now for RYLA 2017! Camp RYLA 5150 is April 21-23, 2017 at Camp Redwood Glen, Scotts Valley, CA Rotary Clubs throughout our District 5150 are gearing up to support the youth in our district by sponsoring sophomore and juniors attending high schools in Marin, San Francisco, and San Mateo counties to attend the ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS (“RYLA”) 2017 camp. The District 5150 RYLA 2017 planning team also asks all Rotarians to contact youth who are sophomores or juniors and attend schools and live in one of our three counties and who would benefit from this teambuilding and leadership three-day camp. Please reach out to Interact clubs in the high schools, school administrators, counselors, teachers, and other youth activity clubs who can identify such youth. Let’s give as many youth as possible the opportunity to become youth leaders in District 5150! Applications are now open for students to apply on-line: Application deadline: January 31, 2017 Questions? Contact Sue at |
Rotarian of the Month – NovemberMarin Presidents select November’s District 5150 Rotarian of the Month – Cindy Stameroff of The Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor! A member since February 2003, Cindy has served as Club Treasurer for many years. An accountant by profession, Cindy exemplifies the best in service to her club each week welcoming guests, assisting members to answer questions, and making sure the president has what is needed to lead the meeting. Cindy rarely misses a meeting and attends almost all Club social events. In fact the first meeting she missed was in 2015. She is almost always the first to arrive every Tuesday morning at 7:30 AM helping the weekly greeter to set up. |
The Rotary Club of San Bruno Shares Great News About Capuchino High School Interact Club’s Recognition for its Good Deeds!The Millbrae City Council recently recognized the Capuchino High School Interact Club with a letter of commendation at a city council meeting for the club’s efforts in collecting gently used sports equipment – bats, mitts, balls, rackets and more – for donation to the Millbrae Recreation Center hit by a fire last summer. We appreciate Capuchino Interact Advisor and Rotary Club of San Bruno Past-President Josie McHale sharing this good news! It is clear that the Capuchino High School Interact Club members are unstoppable! The equipment drive continues throughout the year. The Club welcomes all donations! |
Think Big and Be Inspired by the Rotary Club of Redwood City!!Think Big and Be Inspired by the Rotary Club of Redwood City!!The Rotary Club of Redwood City was one of a handful of clubs honored with the Rotary International President’s Citation for the 2015-16 Rotary year. This award was based on a set of criteria RI established aiming to improve the overall performance, community position, and outreach of clubs at a local level. District 5150 former Assistant Governor Glen Rojas is pictured below with current Assistant Governor Dave Bertini and Redwood City Rotary Club President Jeff Hayden who presented the Citation to Immediate Past President John McAfee. The Club’s accomplishments included the new member inductions, local and international projects participation, community involvement and fundraising, participation in Foundation Programs at the local, district and international levels along with club’s successful adherence to RI branding standards and social media presence. Current President Jeff Hayden wants us all to know that the Club’s last year’s successes are giving the Club an amazing platform upon which the club members are building during this 2016-17 Rotary year! |
THE ROTARY CLUB OF FISHERMAN’S WHARF SHOWS IT KNOWS HOW TO MAKE ITS MONTHY EVENING SOCIAL A UNIQUE EXPERIENCE AT HOOGASIAN FLOWERS!MEMBERS AND GUESTS GET TO SOCIALIZE PLUS LEARN ABOUT THE ART AND SCIENCE OF FLOWERS … AND A BIT ABOUT FLOWER ARRANGING! The Rotary Club of Fisherman’s Wharf members and guests recently gathered at the big yellow building at 615 7th Street in San Francisco to learn about the art and science of flowers from the master himself, fellow Fisherman’s Wharf Rotary Club member Larry Hoogasian, owner of Hoogasian Flowers, a decades-old family business. Members and guests got the low down on de-ionized water and flower food (the method for the longest flowers) and the high notes of floral arranging. Larry explained the “stations” that the beautiful flowers pass through at his “shop” from arrival to departure in specialized delivery vehicles. Larry also displayed exotic gingers, orchids, and anthuriums with their amazing shapes and colors. Club President Suzanne Varacalli enhanced this experience with a wonderful array of culinary treats she prepared! The monthly social is open to other Rotarians and guests and has proven to be a great way to introduce potential members to the world of Rotary! |
Rotarian of the Month – OctoberFor the month of October, the San Francisco Rotary Club Presidents are pleased to select Sue Rokaw of the Rotary Club of Fisherman’s Wharf as Rotarian of the Month! Sue Rokaw has given her talents to Rotary both at the Club and District levels. A Master PRLS graduate, she is a Past President of the Rotary Club of Fisherman’s Wharf, a Past Assistant Governor, and currently RYLA Chair and also District 5150 Committee Chair of the Public Relations/Public Image Committee, and a member of the District Visioning team. |
Summer had ended but the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay Made It a Great One with its Relay for Life Team, Raising Funds and Hopes for Cancer Patients and Families10 Rotarians, friends, and family walked from 10 AM on July 30th to 10 AM July 31st at the Half Moon Bay Relay for Life, walking 55 miles and raising over $5,000 for the American Cancer Society. This community event brought together people whose lives have been affected by cancer – survivors, caregivers, and those who have lost loved ones. Rotary Club President Liz Schuck who walked 7 miles commented: “This event epitomizes the best characteristics of the Rotary Club of Half Moon Bay – community involvement, fundraising for health challenges, personal commitment, fellowship, and leadership.”
Rotary Global Grant Scholarship – Lisa SchalkLisa Schalk is this year’s recipient of the Rotary Global Grant Scholarship. Lisa has spent the past ten of her twenty-one years of nursing working as a Critical Care High Risk Obstetrical Nurse Specialist at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. Lisa will be attending the University of York in England starting this September. Lisa will be studying for her Master in International Public Health, with an emphasis on Maternal/Fetal Well-Being. Lisa’s goal following graduation is to work for the World Health Organization (WHO), where her primary focus is on Maternal Health, especially among the high-risk pregnant populations of lower income countries. |
Rotarian of the Month – SeptemberThe Rotary Clubs of San Mateo are proud to nominate John Berglund as the District 5150 Rotarian of the month. John recently tuned 90 and our club celebrated the momentous occasion with a birthday party in his honor, complete with a homemade cake in Rotary colors and trivia questions about people turning 90 this year. John was Past President of our club in 1974-75and has multiple Paul Harris Fellowships. Most significantly, John has been a Rotarian for 48 years, joining San Bruno in 1968, and most impressively, has perfect attendance. John still plays an active role in our club, serving as the Sergeant-At-Arms and providing the invocation at each meeting. And he reminds you if you happen to forget your Badge! John deserves to be named Rotarian of the Month as he is a constant source of inspiration to all members of our Club and District. |
Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor “Make a Splash” GraduationAndrea Salmi (left) and Isa Ferris display the $750 check from the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor. Pictured from left to right: Helen Abe (behind Andrea and Isa); Bev Shwert, Immediate Past President; Carola Detrick, President Elect; Susan Lundy; Barbara Weldon, Public Service Chair; Stacie Strassberg; Tom Sutton; and Hugh Murphy, President. From the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor “Make a Splash” Graduation for 4 – 8 year olds! “Our” swimmers graduate! In 2016, the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor decided to sponsor the transportation of children from the west end of San Rafael (Canal District) to central San Rafael High School so they could attend swimming lessons provided by “Make a Splash”, through its non-profit teaching center, “Pacific Coast Marlins Learn to Swim”. |
Celebrating Women in RotaryMore than 120 Rotarians, friends and family attend the District 5150 “Celebrating Women in Rotary” event held at the US Army Corps of Engineers Bay Model Visitors Center on July 30. It was a great evening as we showcased our District’s first women admitted to Rotary Clubs after the US Supreme Court decision in 1987 and the first women club presidents. Many supportive men attended and some were great bartenders. Featured at this fun and festive event were many hats, heels, and boas! For information on the first women in our Clubs, please use this link. To view photos of this event please go to https://genedphotography. |
Rotarian of the Month – AugustThe Marin Clubs are thrilled to present their selection for Rotarian of the Month for the month of August – Joan Capurro of the Rotary Club of Ross Valley! This very special Rotarian is a 27-year Rotarian and in 1988 was the second female member of her Club. Joan has not only served in many Board positions, but has volunteered countless hours on Club projects and fund raisers. A Paul Harris Fellow Benefactor many, many times over, Joan just completed serving as her Club’s President for the third time! |
Rotarian of the Month – July
For the month of July, the San Francisco Rotary Club Presidents are pleased to select Daniel Joraanstad of the Rotary Club of San Francisco as the July Rotarian of the Month! A member of the San Francisco Rotary Club since 1989, Daniel has ramped up his Rotary involvement since stepping down in December 2015 from full-time employment as a financial advisor. As the club Membership Vice President and a Club Board of Directors member, Daniel was instrumental and innovative in driving the Club’s aggressive membership goal and forming a stro |